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Everdell Duo
In Everdell Duo, you either compete against your single opponent or play co-operatively with another player to earn the most points. You accomplish this by placing workers to gather resources, then use those resources to play cards face up in front of you, creating your own woodland city.
Air, Land, & Sea
In Air, Land, & Sea, two players participate in a series of Battles, with the objective to control two of the three Theaters of war after both players have played all of their Battle cards, or convince your opponent to withdraw!
Unmatched: Redemption Row
Marvels most tortured heroes… step into Redemption Row.
A battle between unlikely heroes Moon Knight, Ghost Rider and Luke Cage has broken out on the Raft! Duel it out with these brilliant Marvel characters as you seek the ultimate prize…redemption. Pack punches on titanium, rain hellfire and bring multiple identities in a fight to the bitter end.
Royal Visit
The whole valley is buzzing: the King is coming! Prestige awaits your family if the Majesty and the court accept your invitation to visit your magnificent chateau. Use the powers of your wizard, court jester and guards to coax the King to your domain in this game of tug-of-war. It takes clever card play and subtle strategy to emerge victorious!
Ultra Deluxe 2D Arcade Mega Fighter
Draft Off-the-Wall Fighters, Chain Clever Combos, and Unlock Ultimate Power! Relive classic arcade action with Ultra Deluxe 2D Arcade Mega Fighter, a 2-player dueling card game based on 3-vs-3 tag team arcade fighters, with a great sense of humor. Draft from a group of 15 fighters, each with their own abilities and evocative pixel art. Play “Button cards” to execute different attacks, and chain cards together to create insanely powerful combos!
Res Arcana
Extraordinary mages vie for power in this acclaimed card-drafting game from the designer of Race for the Galaxy! Only a small number of cards will be used in each game, so wise choices have big impacts.