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Everdell Duo
In Everdell Duo, you either compete against your single opponent or play co-operatively with another player to earn the most points. You accomplish this by placing workers to gather resources, then use those resources to play cards face up in front of you, creating your own woodland city.
Blitzkrieg!: World War Two in 20 Minutes
New Square Edition: Now includes Nippon expansion, updated Axis bag art, and an updated rulebook!
Recreate World War Two in 20 minutes! The perfect wargame for non-wargamers, Blitzkrieg! allows two players to battle across the War’s most iconic theatres, winning key campaigns and building military might.
Mantis Falls
Mantis Falls is a "sometimes cooperative" game of hidden roles, strategy and deduction for 2-3 players.
Original gameplay based on deductive reasoning
Three simple rules but infinitely replayable
In Quarto Classic, simply place four pieces in a row to win. In a tactical twist, however, each one must share something in common, and your challenger selects which pieces you play. Victory lies in the hands of your opponent!
Res Arcana
Extraordinary mages vie for power in this acclaimed card-drafting game from the designer of Race for the Galaxy! Only a small number of cards will be used in each game, so wise choices have big impacts.