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Tainted Grail: Mounted Heroes
This Add-on includes 13 mounted heroes’ collectors models. All mounted models are in same scale as Core Box heroes.
This addon is purely cosmetic and does not include any additional gameplay elements but will make a great addition to your collection ;)
Tainted Grail: King Arthur
This is a special edition resin collectors model from Tainted Grail boardgame featuring diorama of King Artur on the battlefield.
It was created for miniature painters and hobbyist that are looking for the highest quality models.
Each models is cast by hand in highest quality resin by our own professional crew.
Tainted Grail: Companions
This Add-on includes 4 animal companion collectors\' models. You can use them in addition to their standard Item cards found in the Core Box.
Tainted Grail: Stretch Goals
The stretch goals, Age of Legends and Last Knight are packaged together in one box.
Bloodborne: The Board Game – Chalice Dungeon
"This expansion opens up an entirely new way to experience Bloodborne. Whereas the Core Game is campaign-based, here it\'s based around a single game where you have to find the boss room and defeat the unthinkable terror within."
Tabannusi: Builders of Ur
Set in ancient Mesopotamia, a cradle of civilization, at a time when the location of Ur was a coastal region, players work to build the Great City of Ur, expand its districts, and establish themselves as powerful builders.
Bloodborne: The Board Game – Forbidden Woods
A big-box expansion that brings this infested wilderness to life. Containing 12 new tiles, two full campaigns, and 21 miniatures - including five types of enemies and two bosses.