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The Smoky Valley
Welcome to Griffintown! The most dynamic industrial city in North America!
Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF!
A Streamlined Successor to the best selling game Tiny Epic Galaxies. BLAST OFF! Will have you learning and teaching the game faster than ever! Immediately shuffle the Planet Deck, featuring 100% icon based abilities, set them in orbit and you are on your way. Turns will consist of rolling Stunning Galaxy Dice and executing simple actions that lead to epic play! Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF! features an off turn mechanic called following. This ensures you will stay engaged and allows for it to always be your turn.
Its 1861. The US is wracked by Civil War. Great issues are at stake: Slavery, States Rights, the preservation of the Union
The Great Wall: Upgraded Resources
A set of 150 realistic resource tokens (50 each of gold, wood and stone), meant to replace the wooden tokens that are included in the game.
The Great Wall: Stretch Goals
This was the additional stretch goal content given to Kickstarter backers in a separate box.
The Great Wall: Iron Dragon Blister
Employ crafty engineers to build ingenious, death-bringing machines, and to raise towers with slots for them!
The Great Wall: Black Powder Expansion
Each player will be able to build towers (they are located between Wall Sections) and place chosen war machines onto them. There are three variants of War Machines: cannons, rocket batteries, and powerful siege crossbows.
The Great Wall: Ancient Beasts
4 of the new Advisors are based on mythical beasts and come along with meeples/miniatures, depicting statues of these fantastic creatures. Player, who buys one of them, may place the miniature in a dedicated place on the board to gain new, powerful benefits. The location it will be placed is crucial, so it\'s essential to plan it right!
Tainted Grail: Mounted Heroes
This Add-on includes 13 mounted heroes’ collectors models. All mounted models are in same scale as Core Box heroes.
This addon is purely cosmetic and does not include any additional gameplay elements but will make a great addition to your collection ;)
Tainted Grail: King Arthur
This is a special edition resin collectors model from Tainted Grail boardgame featuring diorama of King Artur on the battlefield.
It was created for miniature painters and hobbyist that are looking for the highest quality models.
Each models is cast by hand in highest quality resin by our own professional crew.
Tainted Grail: Companions
This Add-on includes 4 animal companion collectors\' models. You can use them in addition to their standard Item cards found in the Core Box.
Tainted Grail: Stretch Goals
The stretch goals, Age of Legends and Last Knight are packaged together in one box.
Tainted Grail: Monsters of Avalon - Past and Future
These new miniatures will serve exactly the same purpose the original Monsters of Avalon had. Includes Tainted Grail: Past And Future Alternative Encounters Card Pack.
Etherfields: Stretch Goals – Harpy & She-Wolf Campaigns
The Harpy Campaign adds 30+ hours of game play and exploration and the Harpy miniature.
Etherfields: Creatures of Etherfields
Twenty two beautiful and unique sculpts including representation of all of the creatures you can encounter during your adventures.
Etherfields: Alternative Creatures of Etherfields
Etherfields: Creatures of Etherfields 2
Etherfields: Alternative Advanced Heroes
Alternative advanced heroes miniatures (4 Core Box Advanced heroes + Advanced Reaper)
Galaxy Trucker: Keep on Trucking
Keep on trucking with this new expansion for the relaunched version of Galaxy Trucker. With new ship classes, new adventure cards, more ship-building components, Rough Roads cards, and new aliens with unique abilities, your flight through the stars becomes more chaotic and more fun!
Carthago: Merchants & Guilds
Carthago: Merchants & Guilds
Carthage - about 800 years BC. Founded as a humble trading post by the Phoenicians, the city quickly grew into an important trade hub where precious goods from around the ancient world were traded.
Fire & Stone
In Fire & Stone the players lead their tribe through the Stone Age. They scout new lands, harvest nuts and mushrooms and finally build villages. The aim of the game is to have the most successful tribe by exploring new lands, building huts and gathering resources. With the invention of new tools and techniques like ship building or pottery the expansion of the player’s tribe can even be accelerated.
Messina 1347
In 1347, merchant galleys from the Crimean Peninsula arrived in Sicily and docked at the ancient port of Messina. The galleys had rats. The rats had fleas. And the fleas carried a plague that would come to be known as the Black Death. Over the next four years, in cities across Europe, half the population would die.
A deck-building game with an innovative twist of preparing your missions on the Launch Pad, temporarily removing part of your assets from the deck you play. To win, you must find a balance between the „mission” and „money” parts of your deck and use them efficiently, as the victory conditions reward those who are the fastest.
Tekhenu: Time of Seth
Tekhenu: Time of Seth adds new layers of interaction and new options to Tekhenu: Obelisk of the Sun. A new board opens up options of conquering neighboring lands to receive in-game benefits, as well as new scoring opportunities.
A medium-weight dice placement and resource conversion euro game where you play as early sea-faring Polynesians seeking to spread their culture across the archipelago of Tungaru.