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Flick em Up! Dead of Winter (Spanish)
Flick em Up! Dead of Winter
Sus magníficos componentes e inmersivos escenarios convertirán tu mesa en una tierra devastada y post-apocalíptica invadida por zombis.
Tus amigos y tú iréis de aquí para allá buscando y recogiendo provisiones y armas que os permitan sobrevivir a las adversidades que se os presentarán.
Bloodborne: The Board Game – Chalice Dungeon
"This expansion opens up an entirely new way to experience Bloodborne. Whereas the Core Game is campaign-based, here it\'s based around a single game where you have to find the boss room and defeat the unthinkable terror within."
Darkest Night: Miniatures Set
Darkest Night: Second Edition brings a unique fantasy world to your table through its story and theme. With the miniatures set, you can add some extra flair to your Darkest Night board game or use the Darkest Night characters with any of your other games.
Bloodborne: The Board Game – Forbidden Woods
A big-box expansion that brings this infested wilderness to life. Containing 12 new tiles, two full campaigns, and 21 miniatures - including five types of enemies and two bosses.