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The Smoky Valley
Welcome to Griffintown! The most dynamic industrial city in North America!
Tusk!: Surviving the Ice Age
It\'s a race against time as the Ice Age approaches. You will need strength and food to survive and lots of it. The mammoth offers your tribes food beyond your wildest dreams, but they are powerful beasts.
Fire & Stone
In Fire & Stone the players lead their tribe through the Stone Age. They scout new lands, harvest nuts and mushrooms and finally build villages. The aim of the game is to have the most successful tribe by exploring new lands, building huts and gathering resources. With the invention of new tools and techniques like ship building or pottery the expansion of the player’s tribe can even be accelerated.
A medium-weight dice placement and resource conversion euro game where you play as early sea-faring Polynesians seeking to spread their culture across the archipelago of Tungaru.
Tramways: Adelaide / Shanghai
Tramways: Adelaide / Shanghai includes one large, 42cm × 60cm, 2-sided gameboard, folded into 4 sections, with a map of the Adelaide of the 1920s on one side, and a map of Shanghai on the other side. It also includes a A4 rulesheet that explains the rules differences, and the peculiarities of each map.
Tramways: Paris / New York
A mounted board with the rules A4 in English and French. Bridges and Fly boats to stay happy in two of the nicest city in the world!
In Horizons, you are a starfaring species taking the first steps into a new galaxy. Find new stars, explore new worlds, collect valuable resources, and secure allies to gain the most ground in expanding your empire! Build colonies and resource collectors to hold onto control in various, and increasingly crowded, star systems. Do you have what it takes to manipulate the resources at your disposal and control the galaxy?!
Tribes: Early Civilization
Tribes: Early Civilization
Guide your tribe in its struggles to survive and prosper! Tribes: Early Civilization is a game for 2-4 players experiencing the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze ages in 40 minutes. Players start with a small tribe and the very basics of civilization.
Iberian Railways
In Iberian Railways, 3 to 5 players compete to build railways to connect the many important cities in Spain and Portugal. Each player starts the game with no money. The railways must be financed by taking loans from the Bank of Madrid. The players need to plan their routes carefully to generate the most income. Players can also invest in local businesses that will pay out handsome bonuses once the railway reaches their locations. The player who best manages their railways will be victorious.
Río de la Plata
In 1536 Pedro de Mendoza founded the city of Buenos Aires along the Rio de la Plata river. After five years, the settlers were forced to leave the city exhausted by difficulties and the continuous attacks from the Querandies natives.
20th Century Limited
20th Century Limited is a railroad game for 2-5 players.
You will become part of a U.S. National Institution of the early 20th Century by building the routes and reputation of The Most Famous Train in the World: the 20th Century Limited.
20th Century
In the 20th Century, every region strives to develop. Some become financial leaders, others become centers of learning. Science and commerce propel nations into the future – but what kind of future? Growth produces waste, and advances come with a cost to the environment. How will you mitigate the inevitable ecological catastrophes?
Transatlantic is a game for 2-4 players, ages 14 and up.
2 to 4 players lead their own shipping companies, which transport freight, mail, and passengers around the globe. They purchase new steamships from the market, each of them historical with their individual technical data (tons, knots etc.).
Empires rise and fall. In the buffer areas and crossroads between civilizations, however, a clever ruler can sometimes adopt new ideas, establish trade, and found a city state.
Master Print: Papà Paolo
Master Print: Papà Paolo
Papà Paolo brings you to the beautiful city of Naples, birthplace of one of the world\'s favorite dishes: pizza. In Papà Paolo, 2 to 4 players compete to deliver the most pizzas to the hungry customers of Naples. To do this, you must outsmart your rivals by being a clever investor, bidding on the right city tiles, and creating your own little district of Naples.
In a distant land, many years ago there rose a great and wealthy city. Its name, now forgotten by most, was Hermagor. Commerce was the source of its richness, because from all its territory men, artisans, and adventurers brought to the city all kinds of merchandise to sell there: weapons, ancient books, precious relics, and the rare dragon eggs.
Trinidad Deluxe
1580, South America: a new colony born on the ashes of the previous settlement. The difficulties are many: the natives who try to repel the invader, the laking of resources, the English Corsairs who threaten destruction. Will you succeed in the challenge?
2000 BC. A new empire is about to emerge in the north of Mesopotamia.
Nomadic tribes gather under the leadership of Assur, a city-state dedicated to the cult of the powerful mountain god.