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A theme-traveling adventure with pirates, zombies, dinosaurs, wizards, and more!
Embark on a fascinating adventure through multiple themes like pirates, sci-fi, fantasy, prehistoric, zombies, and more in Rulebenders, a theme-traveling game that twists the rules of the game (literally and figuratively) and will create a unique game experience every time you play!
The Wise One, immortal keeper of wisdom and knowledge, has sent Demigods endowed with earth-moving power to the far reaches of humanity. In Oros each player acts as one of these Demigods. They must instruct their Followers in the wisdom of the mountains through study, worship, and experience. And only in the heights of the mountains can the greatest mysteries be known
Messina 1347
In 1347, merchant galleys from the Crimean Peninsula arrived in Sicily and docked at the ancient port of Messina. The galleys had rats. The rats had fleas. And the fleas carried a plague that would come to be known as the Black Death. Over the next four years, in cities across Europe, half the population would die.
Tribes: Early Civilization
Tribes: Early Civilization
Guide your tribe in its struggles to survive and prosper! Tribes: Early Civilization is a game for 2-4 players experiencing the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze ages in 40 minutes. Players start with a small tribe and the very basics of civilization.
Planet Defenders
Planet Defenders
In the far future, humans have colonized hundreds of worlds throughout the galaxy. Robots have been in use for centuries and millions have been discarded over the years. Discarded robots litter the galaxy and have become a problem for man-kind.
Oktoberfest is a game for 3-5 players. The players act as artisan brew masters seeking to supply the world’s largest beer festival. Over the course of the last day of the festival, players bid to supply their special brew to various tents.
The Heavens of Olympus
Zeus, the greatest of the gods, has decided that he wants to construct a universe to gaze upon from high atop Mount Olympus. He has enlisted the help of several unknown gods to do this for him.
In 1835, the British East India Company leased the region around the location of the modern-day city of Darjeeling.
The British strategically placed the trading post to build a sanatorium there as well!
Mammoth Hunters
Imagine a cold and windy autumn day about 30,000 years ago. For hours the hunters have shadowed the mammoth herd. Will they succeed? Will they be able to bring down one of the huge beasts? If they succeed, the beast will feed the tribe for many weeks
In a distant land, many years ago there rose a great and wealthy city. Its name, now forgotten by most, was Hermagor. Commerce was the source of its richness, because from all its territory men, artisans, and adventurers brought to the city all kinds of merchandise to sell there: weapons, ancient books, precious relics, and the rare dragon eggs.
In 1954, with an explosion over a hundred thousand times more powerful than even the wildest estimates, the Castle Bravo nuclear test obliterated the Bikini Atoll, and ruptured the Earth down to its mantle.
As water levels rose in the aftermath, the remnants of humanity fled their homes and took to the sea. World leadership came together to build a massive Flotilla, mankind’s last bastion of civilization.
Trinidad Deluxe
1580, South America: a new colony born on the ashes of the previous settlement. The difficulties are many: the natives who try to repel the invader, the laking of resources, the English Corsairs who threaten destruction. Will you succeed in the challenge?