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A theme-traveling adventure with pirates, zombies, dinosaurs, wizards, and more!
Embark on a fascinating adventure through multiple themes like pirates, sci-fi, fantasy, prehistoric, zombies, and more in Rulebenders, a theme-traveling game that twists the rules of the game (literally and figuratively) and will create a unique game experience every time you play!
The Wise One, immortal keeper of wisdom and knowledge, has sent Demigods endowed with earth-moving power to the far reaches of humanity. In Oros each player acts as one of these Demigods. They must instruct their Followers in the wisdom of the mountains through study, worship, and experience. And only in the heights of the mountains can the greatest mysteries be known
A medium-weight dice placement and resource conversion euro game where you play as early sea-faring Polynesians seeking to spread their culture across the archipelago of Tungaru.
Tribes: Early Civilization
Tribes: Early Civilization
Guide your tribe in its struggles to survive and prosper! Tribes: Early Civilization is a game for 2-4 players experiencing the Paleolithic, Neolithic and Bronze ages in 40 minutes. Players start with a small tribe and the very basics of civilization.
Kibble Scuffle
Wow, you have a lot of cats, and they all need to eat! Clash their personalities in fun and exciting ways to feed them kibble and win the game. Using the game box as a cat food box to store the food cubes, players take turns placing their cats at bowls and resolving their abilities. For example, the Pounce Cat removes a cat at a bowl. The Greedy Cat eats two food cubes. The Mangy Cat forces another cat to move away from their bowl. Once there are 5 cats at any food bowl, the feeding (scoring) phase begins, followed by a new round.
Evidence of Atlantis! Is this mythic civilization a reality? Pictures from the oceanic bathyscaphe Neptune XIII seem to prove the existence of an ancient civilization under the sea. It discovered what may be vestiges of the mythic civilization of Atlantis.
Mammoth Hunters
Imagine a cold and windy autumn day about 30,000 years ago. For hours the hunters have shadowed the mammoth herd. Will they succeed? Will they be able to bring down one of the huge beasts? If they succeed, the beast will feed the tribe for many weeks
The Way of the Bear
The Way of the Bear
Long long time ago, before age of human, there were four bear clans who help the king to reign over Northeast Asia. The time has come for the king to decide who will be the heir to the throne. The clans send their princes to the world to acquire all the qualifications to be the next king. They travel from town to town and build sacred bear statues; they inherit knowledge of religion, education, military, and commerce in return. The new journey is about to begin. Who will succeed to the throne?
Jurassic Parts
Jurassic Parts is a small box area enclosure and set collection tile game featuring dinosaur fossils! The game is designed by Kevin Lanzing (Flash Point Fire Rescue) and illustrated by Andrew Bosley (Everdell, Everdell: Pearlbrook, Tapestry, and The River).
In 1954, with an explosion over a hundred thousand times more powerful than even the wildest estimates, the Castle Bravo nuclear test obliterated the Bikini Atoll, and ruptured the Earth down to its mantle.
As water levels rose in the aftermath, the remnants of humanity fled their homes and took to the sea. World leadership came together to build a massive Flotilla, mankind’s last bastion of civilization.