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Fabula Rasa Seemannsgarn
In Fabula Rasa, the players take turns telling a constantly changing story, as is typical of oral tradition. The motifs on the maps provide visual cues for central persons, objects and locations of the story, which must be remembered in the correct order. Creative and challenging to the memory is the fact that in each round, cards disappear and new ones are added. Those who succeed as storytellers in presenting their version of the story without mistakes are rewarded accordingly.
13 Words
13 Words is a co-operative idea-association party game in which the team aims for the highest score possible.
Dreams for Rebel Girls
Dreams for Rebel Girls is a cooperative card game for 2 or more Rebel players. All players win or lose together!
Dragon Valley
Dragon Valley
Dragon Valley is an engaging game for the whole family for players age 6 and up.
Stamp collecting: The most dangerous game. They’re polite on the surface, but truly cunning strategists underneath. Featuring colorful art and simple symbology, Stampede plays quickly and elegantly as players plan efficient moves to complete their stamp collection