Super Deals

Super Deals

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  • Minimum players: 3
  • Maximum players: 5
  • Maximum players: 7
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£9.98 £19.95
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Its 1861. The US is wracked by Civil War. Great issues are at stake: Slavery, States Rights, the preservation of the Union

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£8.97 £14.95
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Well, my friend, so be it. If you want to catch the blazing Firebird for its magical feathers, I will not hold you back. But remember, these woods are full of dark secrets and people say that this bird may bring both fortune and misery. Be careful or no one will ever find you in the vastness of the forest. Farewell then, and may you come back to tell your story…

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Monster Inn
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Monster Inn

£6.48 £12.95
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Good staff is hard to find, especially at a Monster Inn. As dungeon masters, you’ll need to look around the local tavern for battle-hardened monsters for your dark dungeon. But the other dungeon masters in your neighbourhood had the same idea, kicking off a fierce bidding competition for the best monsters! If you\'re not careful, not only will you get the weakest monsters, but you’ll also get one of the nasty humans lurking around the tavern.

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£21.56 £29.95
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This flagship title from Darrington Press is a tactical game of semi-cooperative card play where factions of sailors vie to be the last claimed by the raging sea leviathan, Uk’otoa. A fast-paced, enthralling game of thrilling nautical adventure from the world of Exandria (as seen on the webseries Critical Role), for gamers everywhere.

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Race for the Chinese Zodiac
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Race for the Chinese Zodiac

£22.48 £49.95
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Race for the Chinese Zodiac

Legend has it that a long time ago, mankind was ignorant to the extent of not knowing how to count or tell the years apart. The ever-benevolent Jade Emperor wanted to help mankind out. From there, the idea of a twelve-year cycle and the naming of each year in the cycle after an animal was born.

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Iberian Railways
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Iberian Railways

£23.97 £39.95
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In Iberian Railways, 3 to 5 players compete to build railways to connect the many important cities in Spain and Portugal. Each player starts the game with no money. The railways must be financed by taking loans from the Bank of Madrid. The players need to plan their routes carefully to generate the most income. Players can also invest in local businesses that will pay out handsome bonuses once the railway reaches their locations. The player who best manages their railways will be victorious.

Availability: In stock
Ark Extra Mix Expansion
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Ark Extra Mix Expansion

£2.97 £4.95
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Ark Extra Mix includes roughly twenty new animals for use in the card game Ark. Now you have even more animals to board on Noah’s ark before the rain comes. How did you miss these species the first time around?!

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£13.49 £44.95
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Oktoberfest is a game for 3-5 players.  The players act as artisan brew masters seeking to supply the world’s largest beer festival. Over the course of the last day of the festival, players bid to supply their special brew to various tents.

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20th Century
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20th Century

£35.97 £59.95
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In the 20th Century, every region strives to develop. Some become financial leaders, others become centers of learning. Science and commerce propel nations into the future – but what kind of future? Growth produces waste, and advances come with a cost to the environment. How will you mitigate the inevitable ecological catastrophes?

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The Heavens of Olympus
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The Heavens of Olympus

£17.98 £44.95
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Zeus, the greatest of the gods, has decided that he wants to construct a universe to gaze upon from high atop Mount Olympus. He has enlisted the help of several unknown gods to do this for him.

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Mall World
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Mall World

£17.97 £29.95
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Players compete in the building of Mall World. It is scheduled to be the largest indoor shopping mall in the world. In the planning, it is important to get the right shops in the right locations. 

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Mammoth Hunters
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Mammoth Hunters

£22.77 £37.95
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Imagine a cold and windy autumn day about 30,000 years ago. For hours the hunters have shadowed the mammoth herd. Will they succeed? Will they be able to bring down one of the huge beasts? If they succeed, the beast will feed the tribe for many weeks

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Yeti Slalom
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Yeti Slalom

£13.77 £22.95
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The players have teams of downhill snowboard racers and are competing with each other for the coveted Yeti cup. Movement is managed by playing cards to move their racers.  Players also have cards which cause the Yetis, watching from the hills on each side of the race course, to throw snowballs at the racers, trying to knock them out of the race.

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Cape Horn
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Cape Horn

£19.77 £32.95
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Before the opening of the Panama Canal, ships sailed from the east coast to the west coast of North or South America via Cape Horn. They held races from New York to San Francisco for those daring enough to test their skills against the elements.

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£32.97 £54.95
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In Raiatea, players act as members of the Arioi, a secret Polynesian religious society. Over the course of the game, the Arioi will build colossal To’o statues in attempt to win the favor of their god, Oro. In the game’s action rounds, players will take turns leading the group to various action locations

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£30.73 £74.95
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Battle with your immortal armies in the eternal struggle between light and shadow. Write a new chapter in Immortals’ history of the eternal cycle between two immortal worlds.

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Gangster's Dilemma
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Gangster's Dilemma

£20.97 £34.95
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In Gangster\'s Dilemma, you play a gangster eager to satisfy the Mob Boss\' demands. Each round, you will secretly choose to loot one of the city\'s hot spots, in hopes of eluding the cops, avoiding other gangsters, and grabbing crates, art, jewels, gin, and cash when possible. But the cops are on patrol at all times and they randomly search those same hot spots. If caught in the presence of another gangster, do you pay bribes to the cops, stay silent, or rat out your fellow gangsters? What a dilemma!

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Vault Wars - Second Edition
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Vault Wars - Second Edition

£11.23 £24.95
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Many heroes go forth to battle, but some never return; leaving behind their prized possessions. You\'ll be part of the bidding war for the vaults they left behind to gain valuable items -- each providing Gold, Victory Points or new abilities. Outbid your opponents, equip artifacts to gain new abilities and find the gear your up-and-coming heroes are looking for to be victorious in Vault Wars.

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£47.97 £79.95
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SeaFall is a 4X-inspired game (without player elimination/extermination) set in an "age of sail" world reminiscent of our world.

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£30.57 £59.95
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You are a formidable villain; your sinister conquests are innumerable. But there is one foe that even you cannot vanquish alone, Archerex, the lord of Dragons. A hoard of treasure beyond imagining waits to be claimed, and the scales of this dragon are more valuable than any amount of gold or gems! Will your loose alliance be able to take down Archerex, or will this great dragon’s rage consume you all?

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£37.48 £74.95
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In 1954, with an explosion over a hundred thousand times more powerful than even the wildest estimates, the Castle Bravo nuclear test obliterated the Bikini Atoll, and ruptured the Earth down to its mantle.

As water levels rose in the aftermath, the remnants of humanity fled their homes and took to the sea. World leadership came together to build a massive Flotilla, mankind’s last bastion of civilization.

Availability: In stock