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  • Average game length: 20 min
  • Mechanism: Connections
  • Mechanism: King of the Hill
  • Mechanism: Pieces as Map
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£16.46 £21.95
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In Ctrl, players try to dominate a cube by crawling over it with their colored bricks, preferably covering other players\' bricks along the way.

In more detail, you start with a 3×3×3 cube that has one block of each player color stuck into one of the cube\'s holes. (In a two-player game, each player controls two colors, but at the start of play they secretly choose one of those colors to be their scoring color, with the other color serving only as a blocking mechanism.) Each player has a matching colored flag that sticks out of their block.

Availability: In stock
Mountain Goats
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Mountain Goats

£17.06 £18.95
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In Mountain Goats you work to move your goats to the top of 6 different mountains where they can score points as long as they stay there. You can share spaces with other goats on the way up, but there is only room for one goat at the top of each mountain. If someone else\'s goat moves to the mountain top, they will kick you off and you\'ll have to start your trek over.

Availability: Out of Stock
Block Ness
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Block Ness

£19.46 £25.95
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The Block Ness monsters are finally sticking their heads out of the water… but it looks like the lake isn’t big enough for everyone! Will you win the title of Monster of the Year and the privilege of being photographed by tourists?

Availability: Out of Stock