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Honey Buzz: Fall Flavors - Upgraded Player Pieces
Bring some autumn color to your Honey Buzz experience! Upgrade your copy of Honey Buzz with these fall-themed player pieces!
Honey Buzz
"The bees have discovered economics. The queens believe that if they sell honey to the bears, badgers, and woodland creatures, they will find peace and prosperity. "
Stamp collecting: The most dangerous game. They’re polite on the surface, but truly cunning strategists underneath. Featuring colorful art and simple symbology, Stampede plays quickly and elegantly as players plan efficient moves to complete their stamp collection
Honey Buzz: Fall Flavors
Sweetwater Grove is all a buzz, with honey on the lips and minds of all the woodland creatures. Thanks to the hard work of accountants like you, the Queen’s honey stand is up and running. But now fall has arrived, and winter is coming! Her Majesty has given Her workers new responsibilities: harvest and sell fruit from the fall crop, decorate the hive with colorful autumn leaves, cap and store nectar for winter, and send retiring workers to be honored at the harvest festival before the sun sets on Sweetwater Grove. So strike up the waggle dance, it’s time for business!