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Everdell Duo
In Everdell Duo, you either compete against your single opponent or play co-operatively with another player to earn the most points. You accomplish this by placing workers to gather resources, then use those resources to play cards face up in front of you, creating your own woodland city.
Spend the afternoon in your rooftop or backyard garden. Relax while enjoying this artful game of picking, pairing, and planting fruits and vegetables. Grow your plants in whatever container you can. Wheelbarrows, boots, suitcases – use anything you can to grow delicious eats! Will you create the most delicious garden?
Navigate a mysterious labyrinth and avoid its slithering nightmares as you search for the door that will set you free in this solo or cooperative card game
Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale
Cartographers: A Roll Player Tale
In Cartographers, players compete to get the highest reputation at the end of four seasons. Each season, players draw on their map sheet and score against unique conditions at the end of the season. The player with the highest reputation at the end of the year is declared the winner.
Take command of the mighty Nautilion submarine to save the oneiric ocean in this dynamic dice game!
So, You've Been Eaten
A miner collects crystals from inside the stomach of a giant space Beast, having been ingested as part of their devotion to intergalactic capitalism. The Beast naturally attempts to digest the Miner, using Bacteria and Immune Responses, and trying to avoid the Miner’s use of tools and equipment.