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Techno Witches
Heinrich Glumpler is well-known for his original game ideas. With Zauberstauber (Magic Duster), he\'s tackled witches - but not the kind of witches that are known to most, that is, wrinkled old crones that fly about on dusty broomsticks.
Flamme Rouge: Grand Tour
Flamme Rouge: Grand Tour introduces multi-stage campaigns, varying from short 3-stage Tours all the way up to full 21-stage Grand Tours.
In addition to the campaign mode, this expansion also includes new track tiles, special stages and specialist riders that allow you to customize your decks.
Each of these additions can be used both in single-stage races and in the campaign mode.
Flamme Rouge
Flamme Rouge
The excitement in the air is electric as the leaders round the last corner and head for the finish line. Each team has used cunning and skill to position their sprinter for this moment, but only one has done enough to pull off the win!