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Meadow: Adventure Book
Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of nature with Meadow: Adventure Book, an expansion for the beloved game Meadow. Embark on a journey through diverse landscapes, each illustrated with stunning watercolor art, as you hike into nature and observe its wonders. This expansion captures the relaxed, cozy, and inspiring atmosphere of the base game, offering new ways of exploring Meadow surroundings.
Hickory Dickory
In Hickory Dickory, players control a team of mice competing in a royal scavenger hunt hosted by Lord Cuckoo! The mice will ride on a cuckoo clock\'s minute hand as they search for items that match their hunt card. The adorable mice will jump off the hand to collect item tiles and perform various actions that will help them gain berries, a.k.a., victory points.
Starship Captains
Welcome aboard and congrats on the promotion! Your "new" starship is ready to embark on its first big voyage. Just scrape off some of the rust, and she\'ll do fine. And that crew? Might look a little green around the edges, but they\'re your crew now. Make us proud.
Meadow: Downstream
Meadow: Downstream is an expansion for Meadow inspired by the fascinating nature of aquatic environments. Start a new journey to observe flora, fauna and landscapes connected with rivers, streams and lakes. Go kayaking down the river and compete with others on the new fields of exploration.
Grab your map and stroll through the picturesque surroundings, watching nature for inspiration and capturing breathtaking views! Players compete to achieve the goals of their expeditions, observing landscapes and species of animals and plants or collecting souvenirs from their hikes.