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Here To Slay
Assemble a full party of heroes to slay dangerous monsters (and sometimes sabotage your friends)! A roleplaying fantasy strategy card game from the makers of the smash-hit Unstable Unicorns.
Each round, every player gets a hand of five cards that they’ll need to split with their neighbor, representing some of Dr. Schism’s assets. It could be Treasure, Gadgets, the deeds to Hideouts, or even Evidence of his misdeeds! You’ll decide how to split the 5 cards, but split them wisely, as your neighbor will choose who gets which pile! Will you tempt them with the Gadget they’re collecting, hoping they’ll take some damning Evidence with it? Will you offer them 4 of the 5 cards, pushing them to leave you with the one item you really need?
Sheriff of Nottingham 2nd Edition
The bustling market in Nottingham is filled with goods from all over the kingdom. Most of it is entirely legal, however, Prince John is looking to make sure no contraband gets sold. He’s tasked the Sheriff to inspect Merchant’s wares, looking for any illicit goods. The Sheriff’s shrewd, but not above taking a bribe to look the other way. Which Merchant will end up getting the best goods through and make the largest profits in the market stalls?