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Meadow: Adventure Book
Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of nature with Meadow: Adventure Book, an expansion for the beloved game Meadow. Embark on a journey through diverse landscapes, each illustrated with stunning watercolor art, as you hike into nature and observe its wonders. This expansion captures the relaxed, cozy, and inspiring atmosphere of the base game, offering new ways of exploring Meadow surroundings.
Honey Buzz: Fall Flavors - Upgraded Player Pieces
Bring some autumn color to your Honey Buzz experience! Upgrade your copy of Honey Buzz with these fall-themed player pieces!
CoraQuest: Keep on Questing
An expansion to CoraQuest, a family dungeon crawling board game, that adds campaign rules to the base game.
Players are now able to level up your heroes between quests, and also keep treasure from one adventure to another. There are two full campaigns included - “The Curse of Hoodez” and “A Spotter’s Guide to the Dungeon”. Each campaign contains five brand-new adventures to play through.
Redwood is a game of movement estimations and angle of view where players have to take pictures of wild animals to compose the most beautiful panorama. The game is for 1 to 4 players, ages 10+ and the games last about 45-60 min.
King of Tokyo Origins
King of Tokyo: Origins is a standalone game in the King of Tokyo series that\'s meant to serve as an entry point for new players since it\'s a smaller, more affordable package. The game includes four new monsters, an assortment of new power cards mixed with older ones, energy cubes, and green dice with yellow characters.
CoraQuest is an exciting and accessible co-operative dungeon crawling game for one to four people, aged six and up.
In CoraQuest the players work together to guide four adventurers exploring a dungeon, avoiding traps, finding treasure, fighting monsters, and sometimes rescuing a gnome called Kevin.
[DAMAGED] Famiglia
The players control two rival gangs and try to recruit additional gang members from the four families (La Famiglia, The Accountants, The Brutes, The Mercenaries) on the Street. The player, who uses the special abilities of the different families better than his opponent, will get the most influential gang and win the game.
Honey Buzz
"The bees have discovered economics. The queens believe that if they sell honey to the bears, badgers, and woodland creatures, they will find peace and prosperity. "
Horizons of Spirit Island
Horizons of Spirit Island features the core mechanisms of Spirit Island, but features a new double-sided game board with a streamlined set-up, punchboard components, and five new Spirits designed to be ideal for those playing a Spirit Island game for the first time. These new Spirits are compatible with all existing Spirit Island components, but to play with expansions like Jagged Earth, you would need a copy of Spirit Island itself.
Hickory Dickory
In Hickory Dickory, players control a team of mice competing in a royal scavenger hunt hosted by Lord Cuckoo! The mice will ride on a cuckoo clock\'s minute hand as they search for items that match their hunt card. The adorable mice will jump off the hand to collect item tiles and perform various actions that will help them gain berries, a.k.a., victory points.
In a not so distant future, scientists find very special stones on another planet. If you collect three matching stones, you can turn them into an extremely valuable gem or into fuel. After hearing about the stones, you decide to travel to this new planet to become rich. You arrive safely, but after having some troubles on the way, your spacecraft is now out of fuel. What a dilemma! You want to make valuable gems, but you also need fuel to get back to Earth. You\'re also not the only person with this idea. Can you collect more gems than the others and still escape from the planet?
Century: Spice Road
Travel the silk road to establish trade routes and fulfil demands for certain goods in this family-friendly strategy card game.
King of Tokyo: Monster Box
The battle for Tokyo just got bigger and much fiercer!
This legendary monster box features the base game, King of Tokyo Power Up and King of Tokyo Power Up: Halloween, all in one epic box.
Cthulhu Monster Pack - King of Tokyo
The return of the Ancient One promises to spread chaos across Tokyo and New York, where scenes of madness are already multiplying. Even the other Monsters in these places could succumb to the insanity… Will you be crazy enough to respond to his call?
King Kong Monster Pack - King of Tokyo
King Kong is ready to conquer the Empire State Building and Tokyo Tower to find his love. Will you dare cross his path, or worse, capture his beloved?
King of New York
New city, new rules, new monsters – same fight, to be the king! There are buildings to stomp, vengeful military units to be destroyed and six brand new monsters! Every roll of the dice might mean that your monster feels the OUCH, as military units open fire. There’s always something happening in the city that never sleeps.
King of Tokyo: Power Up!
The monsters are evolving and now benefit from new powers! Each one has a deck of evolution cards that they can gain and use during the game. Add in a new challenger, Pandakai, and the struggle to become the King of Tokyo just got a whole lot harder!
Power Up Expansion - King of New York
A new challenger joins the New York Monster’s gang: Mega Shark! Each New York monster now has its unique set of evolution cards to wreak havoc in both King of New York and King of Tokyo. Level up your game like never before.
Cybertooth Monster Pack - King of Tokyo
Cybertooth – a giant two-legged robot that can transform into a fearsome sabertoothed tiger – is about to hit the town. With new berserk die, will you succumb to the berserker fury?
King of Tokyo
Join the fight for Tokyo – over 1 million copies sold worldwide!
Play mutant monsters, gigantic robots and other monstrous creatures, rampaging the city and vying for position as the one and only King of Tokyo
Combine your dice to gather energy, heal your monster or just slap the other monsters down! Spend your energy to trigger permanent or one-shot special powers: a second head, body armor, nova death ray…
Roll for the Galaxy
Roll for the Galaxy
Roll for the Galaxy is a dice game of building space empires for 2-5 players. Your dice represent your populace, whom you direct to develop new technologies, settle worlds, and ship goods. The player who best manages his workers and builds the most prosperous empire wins!
The players control two rival gangs and try to recruit additional gang members from the four families (La Famiglia, The Accountants, The Brutes, The Mercenaries) on the Street. The player, who uses the special abilities of the different families better than his opponent, will get the most influential gang and win the game.
Honey Buzz: Fall Flavors
Sweetwater Grove is all a buzz, with honey on the lips and minds of all the woodland creatures. Thanks to the hard work of accountants like you, the Queen’s honey stand is up and running. But now fall has arrived, and winter is coming! Her Majesty has given Her workers new responsibilities: harvest and sell fruit from the fall crop, decorate the hive with colorful autumn leaves, cap and store nectar for winter, and send retiring workers to be honored at the harvest festival before the sun sets on Sweetwater Grove. So strike up the waggle dance, it’s time for business!
Mountain Goats
In Mountain Goats you work to move your goats to the top of 6 different mountains where they can score points as long as they stay there. You can share spaces with other goats on the way up, but there is only room for one goat at the top of each mountain. If someone else\'s goat moves to the mountain top, they will kick you off and you\'ll have to start your trek over.