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Flick em Up! Dead of Winter (Spanish)
Flick em Up! Dead of Winter
Sus magníficos componentes e inmersivos escenarios convertirán tu mesa en una tierra devastada y post-apocalíptica invadida por zombis.
Tus amigos y tú iréis de aquí para allá buscando y recogiendo provisiones y armas que os permitan sobrevivir a las adversidades que se os presentarán.
Hey Yo
Take turns playing cards to the rhythm and aim for the high score in this cooperative style game. Become a member of a rap crew and skillfully connect the cards to show the crowd what you\'ve got! If you make it to the target score you can step it up and challenge the next stage. The rhythm won\'t wait for you! A fast reaction time and team work is everything! Up to 5 players can join in on this team battle!