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Horseless Carriage
"This year, we want the best, or nothing at all. We don\'t want tradition. We want to live in the present and the only history that is worth a tinker\'s damn is the history we make today."
Village Rails
In the sleepy English countryside, life continues undisturbed as it has for centuries. It is up to you to travel to every corner of this land, bearing the promise of modernisation, accommodating the oddly specific demands of the locals, and ushering in the age of steam.
Cult of the Deep
A hidden role dice game for 4-8 players and a play time of 45-60 minutes. You are a cultist trying to establish your faction’s rise to power.
Space Base: The Emergence of Shy Pluto
A collection of story-based scenarios that introduce new content into Space Base via a narrative structure. New ships and new scenarios are included.
Space Base: The Mysteries of Terra Proxima
Merging the power of Shy Plutonium with new starship technologies has allowed the U.E.S. Science Corps to reach the distant stars of Alpha Centauri, and discover the planet Terra Proxima. Strange ruins and vast fields of fungi cover much of the planet. Eager for knowledge, the U.E.S. authorizes colonization!
Sheriff of Nottingham 2nd Edition
The bustling market in Nottingham is filled with goods from all over the kingdom. Most of it is entirely legal, however, Prince John is looking to make sure no contraband gets sold. He’s tasked the Sheriff to inspect Merchant’s wares, looking for any illicit goods. The Sheriff’s shrewd, but not above taking a bribe to look the other way. Which Merchant will end up getting the best goods through and make the largest profits in the market stalls?