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The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
The Dream-Eaters Campaign Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
There is a hidden realm outside the world of the waking: a realm of whimsy, imagination, and nightmares. After occult author Virgil Gray writes about his adventures in these “Dreamlands,” you decide to set forth and learn the truth for yourself. Nothing could have prepared you for the terrible wonders that dwell on the other side…
The Dream-Eaters Investigator Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
In the wondrous lands of all of Earth’s dreams, there exists a fiction so real it may as well be fact. Only those dreamers who have left the waking world behind may venture into the darkest recesses of the dream to behold this singular, shimmering truth.
Kingdom Legacy: Feudal Kingdom - Adventures
This is an expansion for Kingdom Legacy: Feudal Kingdom.
It offers 3 rounds of play, and 29 new cards to explore by embarking on adventures. It will take at least 10 rounds to explore all of them, so the contents of this expansion will overlap with future expansions played, so it is recommended to play this as one of your first 5 expansions.
To play, you need to perform a purge 10 and purge 1 permanent card.
Kingdom Legacy: Merchants
This is an expansion for Kingdom Legacy.
It offers 4 rounds of play, and 26 new cards, most of which you need to purchase from the merchants. But beware, each merchant is only available for 1 round, and once they leave, their offers are lost forever. Most of the 4 rounds of this expansion will be spent gathering the resources needed to purchase cards from the merchants. To actually use and develop those cards, you need to play further expansions, such as the built-in expansions of the base game.
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Campaign Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
When renowned botanist Dr. Rosa Marquez receives a strange sample from the secluded and mysterious Hemlock Isle, her instincts tell her that something is amiss. Following the recommendation of an old colleague, she invites the investigators to join her on a survey of the island. Nothing could prepare them for what they find: deadly, mutated wildlife and a strange, malignant presence permeate the isle, all while the local residents prepare for a festival, seemingly unaware of the danger. The investigators only have three days to find out what lurks beneath Hemlock Vale before its people meet a terrible fate.
The Feast of Hemlock Vale Investigator Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Whether from the depths of the earth or the infinite cosmos, unknown terrors can appear without warning. Unspeakable horrors come in all shapes and sizes, and often the threat they pose can go completely unseen until it is too late. It is up to the brave few with keen intellect, honed survival instincts, or pure dumb luck to face these eldritch perils before they consume us all.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Cardassians Dice Pack
Contains 9 Cardassians themed dice.
High Frontier 4 All
This is the 4th ed of Phil Eklund\'s signature game High Frontier. It started with Rocket Flight (1999), a game with the vision to let "Each player start as a spacefaring company in the year 2020 trying to make a profit in trade and technology development." Now that we are at that year, High Frontier has evolved into a modular system open to enthusiasts to keep it updated ever farther into the future.
The Circle Undone Investigator Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
In the grim and brooding town of Arkham, arcane secrets lie buried with the dead. When sinister forces threaten to unveil these truths, it is up to a brave, foolish few to put a stop to it.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Romulans Dice Pack
Contains 9 Romulan themed dice.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Klingons Dice Pack
Contains 10 Klingon themed dice.
The Forgotten Age Campaign Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
We think we know the history of the Earth, but there are secrets that lie beyond our ken and truths that threaten to undo our understanding of the universe. When renowned historian Alejandro Vela discovers one of these secrets—the ruins of an ancient and forgotten Aztec city—it sets into motion a plot that could unravel the very fabric of time itself.
The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Myriad dimensions exist layered over our own. Sometimes, when the barrier between these layers is thin, things creep in from the vast beyond. It is up to those with accursed knowledge to stop such entities from tearing our dimension apart.
Angmar Awakened Hero Expansion - Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
The mysterious Dúnedain tirelessly protect the Free Peoples from lurking shadows and unseen dangers. In their duty to safeguard the realm, these Rangers of the North selflessly walk in harm\'s way…
Star Trek: Ascendancy
Boldly go where no one has gone before. In Star Trek: Ascendancy — a board game of exploration, expansion and conflict between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire — you control the great civilizations of the Galaxy, striking out from your home worlds to expand your influence and grow your civilization.
Star Trek Ascendancy - Ferengi Starbases
This pack includes 3 resin models to replace the corresponding tokens.
3 Ferengi Starbase models
Star Trek Ascendancy - The Breen Confederacy
Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species, or several. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing
Star Trek Ascendancy - The Dominion War
Through their Vorta commanders and Jem\'Hadar super soldiers, the Founders rule as Gods, bringing order to the galaxy. The discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole brought this ancient civilisation onto conflict with the more youthful civilisations of the Alpha Quadrant.
Star Trek Ascendancy - Klingon Starbases
This pack includes 3 resin Klingon Starbase models to replace the tokens in the Star Trek: Ascendency board game.
3 Klingon Starbases
Riders of Rohan Starter Deck - Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
For players who enjoy having unrelenting momentum and constantly pressuring their foes, they will love the Riders of Rohan Starter Deck! This expansion comes with a 53-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.
Defenders of Gondor Starter Deck - Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
For players who enjoy come-from-behind victories and never backing down, they will love the Defenders of Gondor Starter Deck! This expansion comes with a 53-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.
Elves of Lorien Starter Deck - Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
For players who are fond of the graceful Elves of The Lord of the Rings and their incredible adaptability, they will love the Elves of Lórien Starter Deck! This expansion comes with a 53-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.
Dwarves of Durin Starter Deck - Lord of the Rings: The Card Game
For players who are fond of the many Dwarf characters of The Lord of the Rings and their hearty fortitude, they will love the Dwarves of Durin Starter Deck! This expansion comes with a 53-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.
Carnevale of Horrors Scenario Pack - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
While revelers throng the streets of Venice, masked conspirators advance their sinister agendas, shadows envelop the city and something terrible rises from the lagoon! This is a standalone scenario for Arkham Horror: The Card Game that can be integrated into a campaign