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Star Trek Ascendancy - Romulan Escalation Pack
15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes for use with Star Trek: Acendancy
Escalate your Game!
Build more Starships!
Control more Planets!
When using Escalation Packs, make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.
Star Trek Ascendancy - Ferengi Dice Pack
Contains 9 Ferengi themed dice, with a Ferengi symbol replacing the \'6\' face. For use with Star Trek: Ascendancy.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Andorian Empire
ANDORIAN PRIDE - Everything you need to add the Andorians, and another player, to your games of Star Trek: Ascendancy. Discover New Star Systems, Encounter new Exploration Cards plus more Space Lanes and Resource Nodes!
Star Trek Ascendancy - Ferengi Starbases
This pack includes 3 resin models to replace the corresponding tokens.
3 Ferengi Starbase models
Star Trek Ascendancy - The Breen Confederacy
Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species, or several. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing
Star Trek Ascendancy - The Dominion War
Through their Vorta commanders and Jem\'Hadar super soldiers, the Founders rule as Gods, bringing order to the galaxy. The discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole brought this ancient civilisation onto conflict with the more youthful civilisations of the Alpha Quadrant.
Star Trek Ascendancy - Klingon Starbases
This pack includes 3 resin Klingon Starbase models to replace the tokens in the Star Trek: Ascendency board game.
3 Klingon Starbases
Star Trek Ascendancy - Federation Starbases
This pack includes 3 resin models to replace the tokens in the board game.
3 Starbase Models