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Edge of the Earth Investigators Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
Freelancers: A Crossroads Game
Congratulations! Humanity is dead! The bad news is that all they left behind is their garbage and a broken gig economy. That’s why we need freelancers like you: ready to take any job, no matter how loathsome. As a freelancer, you will delve into ruins, brave the wilds, and slay the hordes of hideous creatures that litter the dark forgotten corners of the world. All so you can gather loot and return home, ready to blow it all and start over again the next day. It’s a lousy gig, so it’s perfect for the likes of you.
The Blob that Ate Everything - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
"Something out of this world is coming to Arkham! This standalone adventure, which first premiered at Gen Con 2019, sees players dealing with an otherworldly menace that grows and devours everything in its path."
Edge of the Earth Investigators Expansion - Arkham Horror: The Card Game
In this Arkham Horror Expansion, you\'ll find a treasure trove of player cards the likes of which you\'ve never seen in Arkham history. Featuring five investigators and around 250 cards to expand your deckbuilding options. Arkham Horror: The Card Game core set is required to play.