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  • Maximum players: 5
  • Mechanism: Stat Check Resolution
  • Mechanism: Tile Placement
  • Category: Adventure
Xia: Legends of a Drift...
  • -10%
  • -10%

Xia: Legends of a Drift System - Sellsword Mk II

£15.26 £16.95
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This expansion contains the Sellsword Mk II, a new ship that can be added to the game in one of 2 ways; as a new NPC (which can be used with all other NPCs and expansions) or as a player ship. This ship is mechanically the same as the original Kickstarter exclusive Sellsword, but with a new paint job, name, and tagline.

Availability: Out of Stock
The Return of the King Saga...
  • -20%
  • -20%

The Return of the King Saga Expansion - The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

£55.96 £69.95
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While Frodo, Sam, and Gollum journeyed through the glades of Ithilien, Aragorn and his companions fought the battle of Helm’s Deep and rode to the wreck of Isengard to deal with the traitor, Saruman. After obtaining a Palantír from that encounter, Aragorn learned much of the Enemy’s movements, and now he and his companions must ride to the aid of Gondor while the Ring-bearer draws ever closer to Mount Doom…

Availability: Out of Stock
Scourges of the Wastes...
  • -25%
  • -25%

Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack - The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth

£12.71 £16.95
Free Shipping

The Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack for The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth can enhance both the Spreading War campaign and the Poison Promise downloadable campaign. This pack contains three beautifully-sculpted new miniatures of the primary villains of the two campaigns, as well as five new item cards and a new role that can be used in any Journeys in Middle-earth adventure. No collection would be complete without it!

Availability: Out of Stock