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Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Xia: Legends of a Drift System is a 3-5 player sandbox style competitive space adventure. Each player starts as a lowly but hopeful captain of a small starship.
Xia: Embers of a Forsaken Star
This is the first expansion for the game Xia: Legends of a Drift System.
Wasteland Express Delivery Service
Wasteland Express Delivery Service
Take on the role of drivers inhabiting a post-apocalyptic wasteland riddled with outrageous, unhinged and otherworldly characters set on unleashing mayhem at every turn. In order to survive in this deranged universe, drivers must deliver food water and guns between the handful of settlements pockmarked through the Wasteland.
Xia: Legends of a Drift System - Sellsword Mk II
This expansion contains the Sellsword Mk II, a new ship that can be added to the game in one of 2 ways; as a new NPC (which can be used with all other NPCs and expansions) or as a player ship. This ship is mechanically the same as the original Kickstarter exclusive Sellsword, but with a new paint job, name, and tagline.
Merchants and Marauders - Seas of Glory
Seas of Glory plunges you back into Merchants & Marauders where you can live the life of an influential merchant or a dreaded pirate in the Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy.
Merchants and Marauders
Seek your fortune on the high seas during the Golden Age of Piracy in this epic game of swashbuckling adventure! Adapt to ever-changing events in the Caribbean as one of 16 unique captains who enable a variety of playstyles