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Zombicide: White Death – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Timecrash
Zombicide: 2nd Edition – Monty Python's Flying Circus: A Rather Silly Expansion
Zombicide: White Death – Crossfire Pack
he Crossfire pack contains both a new type of Guard and a new type of Zombie which you can add to any of your Zombicide fantasy games!
Zombicide: White Death – Climbers & Terrorcotta Walkers
The Climbers & Terrorcotta Walkers Optional Buy comes with two new types of Zombies which you can add to any of your Zombicide fantasy games!
Zombicide: White Death – Eternal Empire
Zombicide: White Death - Eternal Empire is a campaign expansion. The Kickstarter version of this expansion grants you two Kickstarter Exclusive Survivors, the star-crossed lovers, Chang E and Hou Yi! But it will be available in retail
Zombicide: White Death – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Timecrash
TMNT Zombicide: Timecrash is a full-fledged expansion for Zombicide: White Death.
Zombicide: White Death – Divine Beasts
The Divine Beasts set contains 4 different Abominations based on mythical creatures that bring a new level of challenge to your Zombicide games.
Zombicide: White Death
Winter is upon us and its dark and cruel night brings forth dreadful menaces, worse than frostbite...
Zombicide Medieval Fantasy is back!
With new survivors, new zombies, new setting, and new rules!
Zombicide: 2nd Edition – Monty Python's Flying Circus: A Rather Silly Expansion
And now for something completely different.
The zombie invasion is about to get very silly indeed with the introduction of the Monty Python’s Flying Circus expansion for Zombicide 2nd Edition! Some of the most nonsensical creations from the classic TV show by the revered English comedy troupe are being brought to the tabletop through amazing miniatures and irreverent gameplay.
Unmatched: Sun's Origin
Unmatched: Sun\'s Origin spotlights two heroes from the rich history of Japan.
Oda Nobunaga was the daimyo of the Oda clan, renowned for unifying feudal Japan. He is a master tactician, making his honor guard even more dangerous (and just so happens to be a powerhouse in Tales To Amaze).
Tomoe Gozen was a legendary onna-musha of the Minamoto clan. She strikes hard and fast, relentlessly pursuing her enemy across the battlefield.
The set features stunning artwork by Yuta Onoda, with cultural consultation by Saigo.
Spirit Island: Nature Incarnate
Since time untold, Spirits have existed on the Island. There are Spirits whose names are known by the local Dahan people — Spirits of growth and fire, of strength and river. But these are not the only Spirits… Legends whispered on the rarest of days tell stories of Spirits from the deepest, furthest reaches of the land. Powerful forces of nature that have not been witnessed in ages.
Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game – Guardians of the Galaxy Set
The Guardians of the Galaxy Set is an expansion for Marvel Zombies that adds a roster of space-dwelling characters to the game, including the ragtag members of the Guardians of the Galaxy. This band of living and zombie heroes must all contend with the momentous threat of zombie Thanos, as he wields the Infinity Stones to fulfill his mad plan!
Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game – Clash of the Sinister Six
Clash of the Sinister Six features special Team vs Team Missions, pitting two groups of players against each. In this unique game mode, you’ll control a team of either Super Hero or Zombie Heroes, each team with 3 to 6 characters, each side attempting to eliminate the other while completing mini-objectives around the map to gain extra benefits.
Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game – Hydra Resurrection
As the chaos between living and zombie heroes rages on, the Red Skull attempts to seize power by commanding a legion of zombie Hydra Troops. Well trained and well armed, this horde will pose a threat to Super Heroes and Zombie Heroes alike.
Marvel Zombies: A Zombicide Game – Fantastic Four: Under Siege
Featuring Super Heroes, Zombie Heroes, and Bystanders tied to Marvel’s First Family, this expansion takes the action from the ground floor all the way to the roof of the Baxter building, in a unique floor-by-floor board setup that allows players to run this deadly gauntlet in order to secure Reed Richard’s fantastic technology! This unique location will be explored over several new scenarios for both Hero Mode and Zombie Mode.
Borderlands: Mister Torgue's Arena of Badassery
You and a team of Vault Hunters enter Mister Torgue’s Arena of Badassery™ to face off against his collection of skags, bandits, and assorted psychos. You can play a one-off battle filled with explosions, slaughter-splosions, sauce-plosions, and loot-splosions!!! Or play a series of deadly fights in campaign-mode that will see your Vault Hunter level up between games.
Unmatched: Brains & Brawn
Unmatched is the critically acclaimed, best-selling game of tactical combat between unlikely opponents. This time we bring Doctor Strange, She-Hulk, and Spider-Man to fight against each other or mix-and-match with any other Unmatched set.
In battle, there are no equals.
Unmatched is a highly asymmetrical miniature fighting game for two or four players. Each hero is represented by a unique deck designed to evoke their style and legend. Tactical movement and no-luck combat resolution create a unique play experience that rewards expertise. Just when you’ve mastered one set, new heroes arrive to provide all new match-ups.
The Witcher: Old World - Skellige Expansion
Inhabited by different Clans, Islands on the Great Sea breed traders, warriors, and leaders. One might see the Islands as an opportunity for political connections, but a witcher or a mage would rather travel there to train, hunt monsters, and seek an adventure. It may be of great benefit to visit Skellige Islands, as well as other, unexplored ones, but such travels rarely come without a cost.
The Witcher: Old World - Mages Expansion
So mages and witchers can compete in the Old World, but they train and fight in their own style.
The Witcher: Old World
In The Witcher: Old World, you become a witcher — a professional monster slayer — and immerse yourself in the legendary universe of The Witcher franchise.
Spirit Island: Jagged Earth - Premium Foil Spirit Panels
The Spirits of the Island have never shone so bright!
You have work to do, protecting your island from Invaders, but there’s no reason not to look good while you do it! This set of Spirit Panels replaces each of the Spirit Panels from the board game Spirit Island Jagged Earth expansion with premium foil card versions of those same panels!
Spirit Island: Branch and Claw - Premium Foil Spirit Panels
You have work to do, protecting your island from Invaders, but there’s no reason not to look good while you do it! This set of Spirit Panels replaces each of the Spirit Panels from the board game Spirit Island: Branch and Claw expansion with premium foil card versions of those same panels!
Spirit Island - Premium Foil Spirit Panels (Core Game)
You have work to do, protecting your island from Invaders, but there’s no reason not to look good while you do it! This set of Spirit Panels replaces each of the Spirit Panels from the board game Spirit Island with premium foil card versions of those same panels!
Cthulhu Wars: Duel - Family Reunion
Four new beings with abilities and features never seen before in any Cthulhu Wars game.
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Zeo Rangers Pack
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords!
The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords and powerful Zeo Megazord to Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. The five core members of the Zeo Rangers: Tommy Oliver, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Kat Hillard leap into battle using new and unique Zeo Ranger abilities.
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Villain Pack 2: Machine Empire
The Royal House of Gadgetry has arrived to conquer Earth! The Power Rangers will test their mettle against King Mondo, Louie Kaboom, General Venjix, Prince Gasket, and Princess Archerina. With new rules for paired monsters, Gasket and Archerina can be deployed together as a deadly double-act!
This is an expansion! Requires Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid to play