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  • Maximum players: 1
  • Mechanism: Action Queue
Frosthaven: Play Surface Books
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Frosthaven: Play Surface Books

£55.96 £69.95
Free Shipping

Inspired by the critically acclaimed play surface books from Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion, this set of 4 Scenario Play Surface Books eliminates the need for your Frosthaven map tiles & the majority of overlay tokens in favor of quicker and easier setup times. Just open the books to your scenario and start playing!

Availability: In stock
Frosthaven: Solo Scenarios
  • -10%
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Frosthaven: Solo Scenarios

£13.46 £14.95
Free Shipping

Master all 16 of the Frosthaven classes with this all-new set of scenarios and item rewards. Each scenario is dedicated to a specific class and designed around their strengths and weaknesses to provide the ultimate challenge.

Availability: In stock