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Wandering Galaxy: A Crossroads Game
Explore space like never before in Wandering Galaxy, the newest addition to Plaid Hat\'s "Crossroads Game" universe.
In the game, players are members of a ragtag starship crew traversing the edge of charted space in search of fame and riches. Together the players command and control a ship as they set off on a world-jumping campaign, taking on jobs too dangerous (or too insane) for the average space traveler. Come aboard and fly across the galaxy to see whether your crew can make enough profit to pay off their ship and become masters of their own cosmic destiny!
Cosmic Encounter
In the depths of space, the alien races of the Cosmos vie with each other for control of the universe. Alliances form and shift from moment to moment, while cataclysmic battles send starships screaming into the warp.
Exoworld Survival: Launch Edition
Exoworld Survival is a cooperative colony-building game, set in the alien landscape of a new planet. Each turn, you use your character actions to expand your colony with new modules, manage unique crises, and achieve self-sufficiency on a variety of unique exoplanets. The cooperative game has endless replayablity with a wide variety of exoplanet scenarios, characters, and modules.
[DAMAGED] Spaceship Unity
Spaceship Unity takes gaming to a whole new level, transforming your home into a spaceship!
Star Trek: Ascendancy – Ferengi Escalation Pack
Contains 15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Federation Dice Pack
Contains 9 Federation themed dice.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Andorians Starbases
Upgrade your game with 3 handmade resin Starbases.
Luna Maris
Space Race is back!
Space mining is developing thanks to the cooperation between private corporations and governments around the world. Before the challenge to occupy another planet, however, we need to create a Moon base to extract resources from our natural satellite. Iron, titanium, water, and a powerful fuel, helium-3, are natural riches available on the Moon. To get these riches won’t be easy; it’ll require lots of work to install lunar probes, process extracted minerals, and ensure the working conditions of scientists and engineers in the crew.
Spaceship Unity
Spaceship Unity takes gaming to a whole new level, transforming your home into a spaceship!
Star Trek Ascendancy - Romulan Escalation Pack
15 Starships and 5 Control Nodes for use with Star Trek: Acendancy
Escalate your Game!
Build more Starships!
Control more Planets!
When using Escalation Packs, make sure all players have access to the same number of Starships and Control Nodes.
Star Trek Ascendancy - Ferengi Dice Pack
Contains 9 Ferengi themed dice, with a Ferengi symbol replacing the \'6\' face. For use with Star Trek: Ascendancy.
Primordial - Planetarium
The first expansion for Planetarium, was recently funded on Kickstarter! Primordial adds exciting new astronomical phenomena to your games of Planetarium. Choose to add up to two new modules to the game: Epochs and Frost Line.
[DAMAGED] Luna Maris
Space Race is back!
Space mining is developing thanks to the cooperation between private corporations and governments around the world. Before the challenge to occupy another planet, however, we need to create a Moon base to extract resources from our natural satellite. Iron, titanium, water, and a powerful fuel, helium-3, are natural riches available on the Moon. To get these riches won’t be easy; it’ll require lots of work to install lunar probes, process extracted minerals, and ensure the working conditions of scientists and engineers in the crew.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Cardassians Dice Pack
Contains 9 Cardassians themed dice.
High Frontier 4 All
This is the 4th ed of Phil Eklund\'s signature game High Frontier. It started with Rocket Flight (1999), a game with the vision to let "Each player start as a spacefaring company in the year 2020 trying to make a profit in trade and technology development." Now that we are at that year, High Frontier has evolved into a modular system open to enthusiasts to keep it updated ever farther into the future.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Romulans Dice Pack
Contains 9 Romulan themed dice.
Star Trek: Ascendancy - Klingons Dice Pack
Contains 10 Klingon themed dice.
Star Trek: Ascendancy
Boldly go where no one has gone before. In Star Trek: Ascendancy — a board game of exploration, expansion and conflict between the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire — you control the great civilizations of the Galaxy, striking out from your home worlds to expand your influence and grow your civilization.
Star Trek Ascendancy - The Breen Confederacy
Little is known about the secretive Breen, not their appearance, and not even whether they are a single species, or several. Intensely territorial, the Breen annihilated the Klingon fleet sent to conquer them, leaving the Klingons no wiser as to who or even what they were facing
Star Trek Ascendancy - The Dominion War
Through their Vorta commanders and Jem\'Hadar super soldiers, the Founders rule as Gods, bringing order to the galaxy. The discovery of the Bajoran Wormhole brought this ancient civilisation onto conflict with the more youthful civilisations of the Alpha Quadrant.
Star Trek Ascendancy - Ferengi Starbases
This pack includes 3 resin models to replace the corresponding tokens.
3 Ferengi Starbase models
Star Trek Ascendancy - Klingon Starbases
This pack includes 3 resin Klingon Starbase models to replace the tokens in the Star Trek: Ascendency board game.
3 Klingon Starbases
Star Trek Ascendancy - Federation Starbases
This pack includes 3 resin models to replace the tokens in the board game.
3 Starbase Models