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Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game
The Rebel Alliance fights valiantly against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. Each new victory brings the Rebels hope, and each heroic sacrifice strengthens their resolve. Still, the Empire\'s resources are vast, and the firepower of its Empire Navy is unmatched. With neither side willing to accept defeat, their war rages across the galaxy...
Power Rangers Deck-Building Game - Zeo: Stronger Than Before
Fueled by the power of the Zeo crystal, the Zeo Rangers are the strongest fighting force ever assembled. The Machine Empire, led by King Mondo, is determined to destroy the Earth. Can the Rangers defeat this powerful enemy, or will the Earth fall to this unstoppable foe?
5 to 6 Player Expansion - Shadowrun: Sprawl Ops
5-6 player expansion for the Shadowrun: Sprawl Ops base game.
Refit Kit - Shadowrun Crossfire: Prime Runner Edition
Shadowrun: Crossfire: Prime Runner Edition tweaks the rules, adds more missions, and makes other updates to the popular Shadowrun: Crossfire cooperative deck-building kit. To make sure all players can join in the fun together, the Prime Runner Refit Kit contains just the changed items, so that those who already own the game can buy only the items they need to get on the same footing as other players.