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Dominion: Alchemy
Alchemy is the 3rd expansion Dominion. It adds new Kingdom cards to Dominion and as it is an expansion, you will need Dominion, or Dominion: Intrigue to play the game.
Dominion: Hinterlands
Hinterlands is 6th expansion to Dominion. It adds 26 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, including 20 Actions, 3 Treasures, 3 Victory cards, and 3 Reactions. The central theme is cards that do something immediately when you buy them or gain them.
Dominion: Dark Ages
Dark Ages is the 7th expansion to Dominion. It adds 35 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, plus new bad cards you give to other players (Ruins), new cards to replace starting Estates (Shelters), and cards you can only get via specific other cards. The central themes are the trash and upgrading. There are cards that do something when trashed, cards that care about the trash, cards that upgrade themselves, and ways to upgrade other cards.
Dominion: Adventures
This is the 9th expansion to the game of Dominion. It has 400 cards, 6 mats, and 60 tokens. There are 30 new Kingdom cards, including the return of Duration cards that do things on future turns, plus Reserve cards that can be saved for the right moment. There are also 20 Event cards that give you something to buy besides cards, including tokens that modify cards.
Dominion: Guilds & Cornucopia
The 5th and 8th expansions to Dominion have been combined in a single box to match the size of most of the other Dominion expansions. Cornucopia and Guilds are in the same box with many new features and lots of new cards which can be added to Dominion.
Dominion: Nocturne
This is the 11th expansion to Dominion. It has 500 cards, with 33 new Kingdom cards. There are Night cards, which are played after the Buy phase; Heirlooms that replace starting Coppers; Fate and Doom cards that give out Boons and Hexes; and a variety of extra cards that other cards can provide.
Dominion: Renaissance
Renaissance is the 12th expansion to Dominion. It has 300 cards, with 25 new Kingdom cards. There are tokens that let you save coins and actions for later, Projects that grant abilities, and Artifacts to fight over.
Mammoth Hunters
Imagine a cold and windy autumn day about 30,000 years ago. For hours the hunters have shadowed the mammoth herd. Will they succeed? Will they be able to bring down one of the huge beasts? If they succeed, the beast will feed the tribe for many weeks
Message to the Czar
The governors have important messages that must reach the czar as quickly as possible. Because the governors live in provinces in the far reaches of his empire, a governor must be clever and a little lucky to be the first to get his message to the czar, winning the game and the favor of the czar.
Viscounts of the West Kingdom
Viscounts of the West Kingdom is set at a time when the King’s reign began to decline, circa 980 AD. Choosing peace over prosperity, our once strong King began offering our enemies gold and land to lay down their axes. But peace is a tenuous affair. As poverty spread, many people lost faith in his ability to lead and sought independence from the crown. Since finding favour in his courts, our future has also become uncertain. As viscounts, we must be wise and decisive. Loyalty is to be upheld, but gaining favour among the people must be our priority, should there be a sudden shift in power.
Dominion: Rising Sun
We journey now to the islands to the east – or west, depending on where you are relative to them. Here your title is Emperor. They tell you you’re just a figurehead, though you can still order whatever breakfast you want. They may be right; you did get that breakfast. Your ceremonial sword and armor are made of paper. The samurai never let you into their tea parties, and the ninjas are always tying your shoelaces together. And the epic poem they wrote about you is only 17 syllables long. Rice has been adopted as currency, and no-one seems to even be trying to get your face onto the grains. But when you wake up each morning and look out over the land, life doesn’t seem so bad. Now, what’s for breakfast?
Stone Age
The "Stone Age" times were hard indeed. In their roles as hunters, collectors, farmers, and tool makers, our ancestors worked with their legs and backs straining against wooden plows in the stony earth. Of course, progress did not stop with the wooden plow. People always searched for better tools and more productive plants to make their work more effective.
El Grande
In this award-winning game, players take on the roles of Grandes in medieval Spain. The king\'s power is flagging, and these powerful lords are vying for control of the various regions. To that end, you draft caballeros (knights in the form of colored cubes) into your court and subsequently move them onto the board to help seize control of regions. After every third round, the regions are scored, and after the ninth round, the player with the most points is the winner.
Dominion: Plunder
This is the 15th expansion to Dominion®. It has 500 cards, with 40 new Kingdom cards. It has lots of Treasures and Durations, with cards that give you Loot, and Traits that modify piles. Events return.
Dominion Hinterlands 2nd Edition
Hinterlands is 6th expansion to Dominion. It adds 26 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, including 20 Actions, 3 Treasures, 3 Victory cards, and 3 Reactions. The central theme is cards that do something immediately when you buy them or gain them.
Dominion Prosperity 2nd Edition
This is the 4th expansion to the game of Dominion. It adds 25 new Kingdom cards to Dominion, plus 2 new Basic cards that let players keep building up past Gold and Province. The central theme is wealth; there are treasures with abilities, cards that interact with treasures, and powerful expensive cards.
Champions of Midgard: Valhalla
This expansion for Champions of Midgard sees players rewarded for their warriors dying in battle - and even death may not be the end of their glorious battle!
Endless Winter: Mammoth Module
Individually packaged module for Endless Winter.
In Troyes (pronounced "twah"), players recreate four centuries of history of this famous city of the Champagne region of France. Each player manages their segment of the population (represented by a horde of dice) and their hand of cards, which represent the three primary domains of the city: religious, military, and civil. Players can also offer cash to their opponents\' populace in order to get a little moonlighting out of them — anything for more fame!
The Ladies of Troyes
In The Ladies of Troyes, the women make an appearance in the form of three new Character cards that you can include in your games.
Northgard: Uncharted Lands
Brave Viking warrior; you are embarking upon a quest like no other. Optimise your actions and manage precious resources to eXplore, eXploit, eXpand, and eXterminate. Deploy your special powers for maximum strategic effect, and conquer Northgard! To the victor, the spoils!
Champions Of Midgard
Champions of Midgard (formerly Defenders of Nidaros) is a middleweight, Viking-themed, worker placement game. Players are leaders of Viking clans who have travelled to an embattled Viking harbour town to help defend it against the threat of trolls, draugr, and other mythological Norse beasts. By defeating these epic creatures, players gain glory and the favour of the gods. When the game ends, the player who has earned the most glory earns the title of Jarl and is recognized as a champion of Midgard!
During the medieval goings-on around Orléans, you must assemble a following of farmers, merchants, knights, monks, etc. to gain supremacy through trade, construction and science in medieval France.
Skull King: 4th edition
Skull King is a trick-taking game similar to \'Oh Hell!\', \'Wizard\', \'Euchre\' and \'Spades\', with players needing to state how many tricks they think they\'ll win each round. A unique element of this game is that bidding takes place simultaneously, leading to rounds that are sometimes over, or under-bid. As players must win the exact number of tricks that they bid to earn points, winning too many tricks is just as bad as winning too few and this leads to intense competition where losing a trick can be as exciting as winning one.