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With a group of pioneers, you have left civilization behind to settle along the shores of Boonlake, a long-forgotten region inhabited by humans long ago. This unexplored area beckons you! Become part of a new community and commit yourself to the common good. Explore the landscapes, build houses and settlements, raise cattle, produce raw materials, and develop an infrastructure. Do your best to automate these processes. Seize the opportunity to make the best of your new life in Boonlake.
Andromeda's Edge: Supernova Component Upgrade Kit
Elevate and enhance your standard copy of Andromeda\'s Edge with the Supernova Component Upgrade Kit! You\'ll trade your cardboard resources and credits in for stunning, tactile components, see the raiders transform into highly detailed miniatures ready for battle, plus get to plug your leaders into epic 3D development minis, bringing your table to life.
And all this comes with the epic Game Trayz storage system to pack it all away neatly.
Andromeda's Edge: Escalation
Many faces, one purpose - Unity, the oppressive authority you have fled, has followed you to Andromeda\'s Edge. Multiple Unity leaders, ranging in difficulty and tactics, will face of against your sole faction in solo mode. Or increase the risk in a multiplayer game by adding Unity into the mix. The Escalation expansion provides pieces for a 5th player, two new factions (Nebulon Cloudpeople and Darkstar Acolytes), as well as a robust solo mode.
Andromeda's Edge: Exotic Matter
Seek out new life in Exotic Matter, the promotional pack for Andromeda\'s Edge. Contents of this pack were all originally offered on the gamefound campaign and bundled in this retail edition. Discover three exciting new factions: the Astrodrakus, Drakanaran Flamekeepers and Wolfguardian Howlers! Get ready to battle deadly new raiders: the Hive full of Hornets, and the Ancient Brain. Build new modules in the flexible Metamorphosis, double-damaged Obliterated and risky Explosive varieties! Astrodrakus and Drakanoran Flamekeepers are illustrated by guest artist Sandra Tang.
Andromeda's Edge
Behold, Andromeda\'s Edge: A dazzling, uncharted region of space on the edge of the Andromeda Galaxy. Littered with the modular debris of the precursor civilization, patrolled by malicious extragalactic raiders, and bordered by dense nebulae, The Edge is a last resort for the brave and foolhardy who seek a new life beyond the oppressive reach of the Lords of Unity.
Boonlake: Artifacts
In Boonlake: Artifacts, you send out your treasure hunters to find treasures and mysterious artifacts on a new map.
Have you always wondered about the vases scattered around Boonlake? Recent findings show that they are loaded to the brim with variable atomic system energy, or V.A.S.E. for short. Put your found vases into the new artifacts and secure an advantage toward victory.
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game – Mother of Dragons
Cross the Narrow Sea with the Mother of Dragons expansion for A Game of Thrones: The Board Game! Clawing their way into power, this expansion includes a side board of the Free Cities of Essos and an overlay of the Eyrie, as well as new characters and mechanics to bring House Targaryen and House Arryn into the fray. As you make your claim to the Iron Throne, you can call other Houses to your cause with the new vassal mechanic, or even ask for aid from the Iron Bank of Braavos. But be cautious, for the Iron Bank will have its due, and if your campaign proves to be a poor investment, the money lenders\' retribution will be swift.
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
In the second edition of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, three to six players take on the roles of the great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, as they vie for control of the Iron Throne through the use of diplomacy and warfare. Based on the best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones is an epic board game in which it will take more than military might to win. Will you take power through force, use honeyed words to coerce your way onto the throne, or rally the townsfolk to your side? Through strategic planning, masterful diplomacy, and clever card play, spread your influence over Westeros!
Europa Universalis: The Price of Power - Extra Dice Set
"An extra set of dice, including 12 battle dice, 3 rebel dice and 1 exploration die."
Maracaibo: The Uprising
The first big expansion of Maracaibo features several modules and scenarios, e.g. pushing the predominant nations out of the Caribbean (in competitive or cooperative mode). Other elements are asymmetrical player abilities, new optional stories and legacy tiles as well as new project cards. Solo fans will encounter a new rival, Jacque!