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  • Average game length: 60 min
  • Minimum age: 12
  • Mechanism: Market
  • Mechanism: Trading
Archeos Society
  • -20%
  • -20%

Archeos Society

£38.36 £47.95
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Guide your team in Archeos Society as you explore legendary sites! You must decide whether to form small expeditions for quick progression, or larger expeditions that are more efficient but slower to assemble. On each of your turns, you either recruit a new explorer or launch an expedition by playing your cards using a group of matching colors or roles. Choose your expedition leader wisely as they determine which region you explore and provide a special ability for that expedition.

Availability: In stock
Shipwrights of the North Sea Shipwrights of the North Sea
  • -30%
  • -30%

Shipwrights of the North Sea

£38.47 £54.95
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Shipwrights of the North Sea is set in the early years of the Viking Age, circa 900 AD. As Viking shipwrights, players compete to build the greatest fleet on the North Sea. Players must collect oak, wool and iron, as well as getting other craftsmen on board to help. Gold is a precious commodity, and must be spent wisely. As you would expect, the township is filled with an array of characters, bad and worse. Better hope they\'re on your side!

Availability: In stock