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Carthago: Merchants & Guilds
Carthago: Merchants & Guilds
Carthage - about 800 years BC. Founded as a humble trading post by the Phoenicians, the city quickly grew into an important trade hub where precious goods from around the ancient world were traded.
In Cuzco, players will build up the land full of villages, cities and crops. They will build and expand temples, organize festivals and create ponds. Like Tikal and Mexica, players will have a number of action points (6) they can use each turn to accomplish these matters.
In the 17th century, Russia began to expand eastwards to develop the vast expanses of Siberia. This phase in history is closely associated with the name Stroganov. In Stroganov, players try to collect the best furs to gain wealth and fame as they move across the vastness that is Siberia.
Cthulhu: Death May Die
"Work together to prevent the summoning of the horrifying Elder Gods in this thrilling cooperative game! Featuring amazingly detailed miniatures, this 90-minute adventure will see you overcoming your own insanity to collect enough clues to find a weakness in the otherworldly being that threatens to devour the earth... so that you can shoot it in the face."
Hansa Teutonica Big Box
The multi award winning strategy game Hansa Teutonica is back – in a “Big Box” edition including the base game and all expansions. In the game players attempt to increase their standing as merchants in the Hanseatic League by gaining prestige points in various ways. For instance, they can try to establish a network of Counting Offices in new Hansa cities by occupying an entire trade route between two cities – but before that happens, player markers can also be displaced by other players.