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Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Xia: Legends of a Drift System is a 3-5 player sandbox style competitive space adventure. Each player starts as a lowly but hopeful captain of a small starship.
Stardew Valley: The Board Game
A cooperative board game of farming and friendship based on the Stardew Valley video game by Eric Barone. Work together with your fellow farmers to save the Valley from the nefarious JojaMart Corporation!
BUS: Complete Edition
Prior to Essen 1999, a group of students created Splotter Spellen to sell some of their own game designs. This game is regarded as one of the highlights of that group. The object of the game is to deliver as many people to their destinations as you can. To accomplish this, players place route markers on the board to connect passengers to their destinations. However, the destination types (work, bar, home) vary from turn to turn, so you can follow certain passengers as they make their way through the daily grind.
The players take the roles of Mallorcan farmers, who strive to harvest as many of the island‘s tropical fruits: figs, almonds, olives, oranges, grapes, and lemons, as possible. The players deliver their harvested fruits to the island communities, which have constantly changing requirements during the course of the game. For these deliveries, the players receive victory points. In the end, the player with the most victory points is the winner.
Planta Nubo
In Planta Nubo players grow energy-rich flowers and plants in cloudy gardens – the treetops of the Arbors. Deliver them to bee-like airships which transport them to the biomass converters to be transformed into green energy. Sow woods on the freshly harvested soil. Energize helpful modules while your woods, your bots and the Arbor produce desperately needed oxygen. Make good use of your tools to perform actions and use your garden bot to help you grow flowers. Supply your platform bot with energy to use modules and operate Oxyfarms. Turn your Arbor into the best oxygen production facility! If you produce the most oxygen by the end of the game you win!
Isle of Trains: All Aboard
Welcome to the Isle of Trains, where you are the conductor, and constructor of one of the island’s locomotives. You’ll build trains and load a range of goods to complete contracts across the island, and also deliver passengers to their destinations.
Isle of Trains: All Aboard is a card-based engine building game where cards have multiple uses: You can use cards as locomotives, freight cars, passenger cars, or buildings to improve the effectiveness and abilities of your train. Cards can also be spent to pay for the construction of your new train cars and buildings, or you can use your cards as cargo and load them onto available freight cars.
Windmill Valley
It’s the late 19th century, and more than 9000 windmills dot the landscape of the Netherlands, some of them purpose-built to dry the lowlands, called polders. In the polders between these windmills are fields filled with colorful tulips—the flower that once was a part of the turbulent history of the first financial bubble but is now simply a quintessential part of the Dutch landscape, especially on the famous Bloemen Route (or “Flower Route”).
You and your competitors’ transit companies have been hired by the city to build new subway lines and commercial developments to improve the city\'s bottom line.
London Necropolis Railway
London, 1849. The cholera epidemic of the last two years has overrun the city’s ability to inter the dead. A new cemetery must be built to handle the needs of London for the indefinite future, outside of the city limits - far enough away that growth won’t be an issue. The only way to transport the deceased and their loved ones to the cemetery is by train. This new system needs to be designed and you and your fellow planners have been tasked with submitting proposals. The most successful design will be awarded the contract by the city and your name will be listed among the great planners of history.
Crossing Oceans
Towards the end of the 19th Century, ever larger and faster ocean liners revolutionized the growing maritime traffic. Daring shipping companies opened steamship lines to the most important ports worldwide. Modern steel juggernauts replaced traditional sailing ships and competed intensely for dominance on the major shipping routes.
The Underground Challenge: Paris / New York
In The Underground Challenge, you will compete against real Underground lines. The map starts with multiple lines already built, and you must try to beat the Underground\'s score.
On The Underground: Obstruction
Setup: Before setting up the game, randomly draw three destination cards and place an obstruction tile in each of the stations they show. Shuffle those cards back into the deck.
Gameplay: A player must pay 2 branch tiles to connect a line to a station with an obstruction tile. That player then scores three points and removes the obstruction tile from the game.
On The Underground: Engineering Crew
Setup: Place on engineering crew tile per player next to the board and return the extras to the box.
Gameplay: A player may spend one of their actions to take an engineering crew tile. Each player may hold at most 1 of these tiles. It may be spend to take a branch tile or place a track token. Doing so does not cost an action.
On The Underground: Street Fair
Setup: Before setting up the game, randomly draw 3 Destination cards, and place a Street Fair tile in each of the stations they show. Shuffle those cards back in the deck.
Gameplay: When placing Track tokens, a player scores 2 points whenever they connect a station with a Street Fair tile with the Passenger start station using the same line.
The Underground Challenge: London / Berlin
In The Underground Challenge, you will compete against real Underground lines. The map starts with multiple lines already built, and you must try to beat the Underground\'s score.
On the Underground: Paris / New York
In On the Underground: Paris/New York, players build the Paris Métro lines or the New York City Subway lines. Each player controls 2-4 different lines, depending on the number of players.
Following a series of calamities that left civilization in shambles, societies around the world are being rebuilt anew in harmony with nature. Scotland lies in ruins and the ancient clans have taken it upon themselves to restore the land. As clan leaders you will compete for strategic control of the land by rebuilding its prestigious castles.
Free Ride
Free Ride, another fine game from Friedemann Friese, designer of Power Grid and Friday, takes us to the Golden Age of Railways in Europe. Around the end of the 19th Century, a growing network of railway lines was built in Europe. This allowed people to travel to the major cities to visit beautiful structures influenced by Art Nouveau and Historicism.
Dom Pierre
The game is played in rounds, each round consisting of one action turn for each player starting with the first player and continuing clockwise.
Clinic: Deluxe Edition And Expansions Bundle
This bundle includes the Deluxe edition of the base game plus extensions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!
Your Town Center is flourishing, but as the city grows, the need for emergency medical care grows with it.
Doomtown: Welcome to Deadwood
Welcome to Deadwood is Pine Box Entertainment\'s fifth expansion for Doomtown.
Doomtown: Hell's Coming With Me
“I arrived in the town of Gomorra with a plan. I pulled the strings behind Ivor Hawley’s Fourth Ring Circus. Through Sloane, I controlled a notorious gang of outlaws. My Tumblebleeds turned Gomorra’s streets red with blood. But now the Fourth Ring has dispersed, its tents in tatters. Sloane’s leader is a madman vanished into the Great Maze. My plans for Gomorra thwarted, I turn my attention northward.
Doomtown: Too Tough To Die
Too Tough to Die is the latest expansion for Doomtown. Featuring four copies of 56 new cards, this expansion expands Doomtown to Tombstone, Arizona during legendary conflict between The Cowboys and the Earps. In Death’s domain, tensions are high and the body count is higher. Whose fight will you join in this high-stakes battle for the soul of the town that’s Too Tough to Die?
Doomtown: Out For Blood
It\'s another long, hot summer as the Doomtown saga continues in Tombstone, Arizona. Tempers boil over. Seedy glares lead to brawls. Fistfights lead to gunfights between the Outlaws and Law Dogs. And both sides are out for blood.