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Skytear: Kurumo
You can use these contents to challenge a friend with the starter box. Or you can freely mix and combine these heroes and cards with your existing Skytear collection.
Martial honor is the creed of Kurumo’s warriors, a creed made tangible in their blades.
Skytear: Taulot
You can use these contents to challenge a friend with the starter box. Or you can freely mix and combine these heroes and cards with your existing Skytear collection.
The heroes of Taulot strike from the tunnels of their home, their innate hivemind.
Cover Your Kingdom
Cover Your Kingdom is an absurdly ruthless set-collection party game for 2-8 players ages 9+. The game\'s cutthroat mechanics which make the game a highly-addictive riot-inducer are blunted by the punderfully-whimsical theme.
Who Should We Eat?
Who Should We Eat?
"Who Should We Eat?" Is a semi-cooperative game of desert island survival and resorting to cannibalism way too quickly...
Skytear: Nupten
You can use these contents to challenge a friend with the starter box. Or you can freely mix and combine these heroes and cards with your existing Skytear collection.
The laws that govern the world are broken by the minds of Nupten’s devotees.