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Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Chosen Grove Faction Deck
Surrender to the cyclical ways of Nature with the Chosen Grove! A summoning stone has gifted sentience to the most legendary tree in Itharia. Now, the inscrutable Eldiri Nimid bestows the powers of the natural world upon its adherents. Master the ebb and flow of magical energy, letting your warriors embrace the true potential of symbiosis!
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): The Filth Faction Deck
Abandon your soul to the lies of demons! The Demagogue has thrust his band of infernal worshipers into the Summoner Wars.
When using The Filth Faction Deck, you can warp their flesh and snap their bones, then shape them into just the right monster for the task at hand. When one is willing to sink to any depth, there is no limit to the power that can be achieved
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Deepwood Groaks Faction Deck
From the waterlogged forests comes the witch-frog, Hekateia and her Deepwood Groaks. Brew your foul potions and toss them to your warriors as needed, so that they might cheat your foes of any advantage. Enhance your maneuverability and strength, or poison the enemy and watch them wither before your amphibian superiority!
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Crimson Order Faction Deck
Embrace entropy with the ever-hungry Crimson Order. Baron Daemar and his children know that death and decay will lay claim to aught. They feast upon those who oppose them, then grant unlife with their vampiric blood. Frustrate your foe with an enemy that grinds their forces down, all while healing their own!
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Mountain Vargath Faction Deck
Bring the uncaring harshness of the mountain to the battlefield! General Sunderved and his army of goat-folk apply brute force to every problem, smashing, ramming, and shoving any who get in their way. Reshape the battlefield as you see fit, then dominate it with the Mountain Vargath!
Doomtown: Welcome to Deadwood
Welcome to Deadwood is Pine Box Entertainment\'s fifth expansion for Doomtown.
Doomtown: Hell's Coming With Me
“I arrived in the town of Gomorra with a plan. I pulled the strings behind Ivor Hawley’s Fourth Ring Circus. Through Sloane, I controlled a notorious gang of outlaws. My Tumblebleeds turned Gomorra’s streets red with blood. But now the Fourth Ring has dispersed, its tents in tatters. Sloane’s leader is a madman vanished into the Great Maze. My plans for Gomorra thwarted, I turn my attention northward.
Doomtown: Too Tough To Die
Too Tough to Die is the latest expansion for Doomtown. Featuring four copies of 56 new cards, this expansion expands Doomtown to Tombstone, Arizona during legendary conflict between The Cowboys and the Earps. In Death’s domain, tensions are high and the body count is higher. Whose fight will you join in this high-stakes battle for the soul of the town that’s Too Tough to Die?
Doomtown: Out For Blood
It\'s another long, hot summer as the Doomtown saga continues in Tombstone, Arizona. Tempers boil over. Seedy glares lead to brawls. Fistfights lead to gunfights between the Outlaws and Law Dogs. And both sides are out for blood.
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Swamp Orcs Faction Deck
The lowly followers of Mugglug will not hesitate to sacrifice everything to boost the strength and staying power of their betters! Feed your vitality to Mugglug, and bear witness as she becomes an unstoppable juggernaut in battle!
Funkoverse Strategy Game: Back to the Future 100 – Marty McFly & Doc Brown
In the Funkoverse Strategy Game, you combine your favorite characters and go head-to-head in four exciting game scenarios. Use your characters\' unique abilities to gain points and achieve victory!
Funkoverse Strategy Game: Darkwing Duck
In the Funkoverse Strategy Game, you combine your favorite characters and go head-to-head in exciting game scenarios.
Not a stand-alone game.
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Obsidian Dwarves Faction Deck
The Obsidian Dwarves are a mighty faction of warriors led by the explosively erratic Balzar. Balzar will become enraged through combat, scaling up and down in power throughout the fight. Watch him charge up and exhaust his boost meter to fuel the strongest abilities this faction has to offer. Equip your warriors with fiery weapons forged in hell and let the heat of battle determine their fate!
Gloomier: A Night at Hemlock Hall
Return to Gloom\'s original dark Victorian setting in Gloomier: A Night at Hemlock Hall. Gloomier builds on the Wellington-Smythe family, hosting a gruesome gathering at Hemlock Hall.
Arctic Scavengers: Base Game + HQ + Recon Expansions
In the year 2097, each player is the leader of a small tribe of survivors. Resources, tools, medicine, and mercenaries are all in scarce supply. Each tribe is pitted against other tribes in a fight for survival. The players build up their tribes, skirmish against other players’ tribes, and can even bluff on the way to victory.
The goal of each team is to eliminate the other by depleting their health pool. Students share a collective health pool. All students and the Anomaly execute their movement behind a player screen, so it\'s rare to know exactly where another player is. Students will try to signal their location to the other students using location hint cards, and the Anomaly in turn will use these cards to triangulate the students\' positions.
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Zeo Rangers Pack
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords!
The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords and powerful Zeo Megazord to Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. The five core members of the Zeo Rangers: Tommy Oliver, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Kat Hillard leap into battle using new and unique Zeo Ranger abilities.
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Villain Pack 2: Machine Empire
The Royal House of Gadgetry has arrived to conquer Earth! The Power Rangers will test their mettle against King Mondo, Louie Kaboom, General Venjix, Prince Gasket, and Princess Archerina. With new rules for paired monsters, Gasket and Archerina can be deployed together as a deadly double-act!
This is an expansion! Requires Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid to play
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Ranger Allies Pack 1
In the quest to defeat the evil that threatens our world, sometimes the Power Rangers need a little help! That’s where Ranger Allies come in!
Enhance your game with five legendary heroes from across time and space who have each helped the Rangers in their fight against evil. This expansion includes various allies including Ninjor, Phantom Ranger, Shadow Ranger, Magna Defender, and Zeo Gold Ranger!
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid
Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid is a co-operative board game for 2-5 players that challenges your team to save Angel Grove from Rita Repulsa’s evil army of monsters. Work together to fight off the incoming horde while building up your strength to protect the city from the most dangerous monsters in the universe! Prepare for your destiny. It’s Morphin Time!
Tash-Kalar: Arena of Legends
Tash Kalar: Arena of Legends
Two to four summoners will battle each other and test their skill and strategy in a short but intense battle. By intelligently deploying their minions, they will create magic patterns to summon powerful beings, and then use them to destroy the forces of their opponents or to prepare patterns for the final legendary beings.
Terror Below
Terror Below
Terror Below is a game of government experiments gone wild in the Nevada desert. The faster you move, the more vibrations you make, attracting the attention of the vicious worms underground. Navigate the difficult terrain to collect valuable worm eggs and deliver them to locations around town to claim bounties. If you\'re feeling lucky, collect items and weapons to go hunt \'em.
Doomtown: Weird West Edition
Welcome to Doomtown, where you try to gain control of a western town set in the Weird West of Deadlands. In this world, cowpokes good and bad wield guns, steampunk gadgets, and spells of all sorts, and death is sometimes just a minor inconvenience.