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Oceans: Legends of the Deep
Legends of the Deep brings cultural legends, high fantasy, and mythologies from around the globe into the Oceans ecosystem.
Oceans is a journey from the known world into the unknown, where you discover powerful traits that hardly seem possible in the realm of biology. With Legends of the Deep, you will discover things beyond the world of science!
Newton & Great Discoveries
During an age of scientific research and astounding discoveries, Isaac Newton stands out for his peculiar intelligence and for the extent of his studies. In this compex strategy game, players follow the path of great 18th century scientists to become the most eminent academic in the world.
Virtual Revolution
2047: Most of humanity escapes reality through Verses, virtual universes developed by powerful mega corporations. These businesses are willing to do anything and everything to gain market share. You work for one of them, and your mission in Virtual Revolution is to become the ruler of Neo-Paris.
Endless Winter: Rivers & Rafts
Rivers & Rafts is an expansion for Endless Winter: Paleoamericans. It adds new modular tiles to the terrain map, including riverways and unique starting locations. It also introduces landmarks which tribes can control to gain powerful Eclipse phase benefits.
Endless Winter: Cave Paintings
Cave Paintings is an expansion for Endless Winter: Paleoamericans. Each player gets a dry-erase player board which they can connect dots and draw lines on to to unlock powerful one-time bonus actions, ongoing Eclipse phase benefits, and end-game scoring possibilities.
Endless Winter: Ancestors
Ancestors is an expansion for Endless Winter: Paleoamericans. It adds a large variety of new cards into the game, including alternate animals cards, interactive Culture cards, Chief special ability cards, and more...
Mammoth Hunters
Imagine a cold and windy autumn day about 30,000 years ago. For hours the hunters have shadowed the mammoth herd. Will they succeed? Will they be able to bring down one of the huge beasts? If they succeed, the beast will feed the tribe for many weeks
Stone Age
The "Stone Age" times were hard indeed. In their roles as hunters, collectors, farmers, and tool makers, our ancestors worked with their legs and backs straining against wooden plows in the stony earth. Of course, progress did not stop with the wooden plow. People always searched for better tools and more productive plants to make their work more effective.
Endless Winter: Mammoth Module
Individually packaged module for Endless Winter.
Executives - The Networks
So youʼve proven your worth in the past. We know you can run an ordinary TV network. Big deal. We have a bigger challenge for you. Here are 12 unique Network Executives, each with their own weird characteristics. Every Executive has powers, but they also have significant liabilities. Can you master each executiveʼs idiosyncrasies, draft the best Season 0 cards, claim your true status as a Mogul, and come out on top?