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  • Difficulty level: Easy
  • Mechanism: Income
  • Category: Industry / Manufacturing
  • Category: Medieval
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£48.36 £54.95
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You and your competitors’ transit companies have been hired by the city to build new subway lines and commercial developments to improve the city\'s bottom line.

Availability: In stock
Messina 1347
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Messina 1347

£37.48 £74.95
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In 1347, merchant galleys from the Crimean Peninsula arrived in Sicily and docked at the ancient port of Messina. The galleys had rats. The rats had fleas. And the fleas carried a plague that would come to be known as the Black Death. Over the next four years, in cities across Europe, half the population would die.

Availability: In stock
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£46.94 £57.95
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With a group of pioneers, you have left civilization behind to settle along the shores of Boonlake, a long-forgotten region inhabited by humans long ago. This unexplored area beckons you! Become part of a new community and commit yourself to the common good. Explore the landscapes, build houses and settlements, raise cattle, produce raw materials, and develop an infrastructure. Do your best to automate these processes. Seize the opportunity to make the best of your new life in Boonlake.

Availability: In stock
Boonlake: Artifacts
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Boonlake: Artifacts

£28.45 £29.95
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In Boonlake: Artifacts, you send out your treasure hunters to find treasures and mysterious artifacts on a new map.

Have you always wondered about the vases scattered around Boonlake? Recent findings show that they are loaded to the brim with variable atomic system energy, or V.A.S.E. for short. Put your found vases into the new artifacts and secure an advantage toward victory.

Availability: Out of Stock
Rome in a Day
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Rome in a Day

£19.96 £24.95
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The once thriving Roman Empire fell apart. Who can resist the temptation to claim some of the lands for themselves? Do you prefer vineyards or quarries? Or maybe you want a little bit of everything with some olive groves and an oil mill on top? All you need is to make a good trade: offer a beautiful antique theater in exchange or add a few precious diamonds… Divide and swap lands, outguess and bribe your opponents! Create a prosperous domain from the lots of Rome!

Availability: Out of Stock
Shipwrights of the North...
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Shipwrights of the North Sea: Redux

£47.96 £59.95
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Shipwrights of the North Sea: Redux is set in the early years of the Viking Age, circa 800 AD. As Viking shipwrights, players compete to construct the greatest fleet on the North Sea. Players must collect oak, wool, and iron, as well as getting other craftspeople on board to help. Gold is a precious commodity, and must be spent wisely. As you would expect, the township is filled with an array of characters, bad and worse. Better hope they’re on your side!

Availability: Out of Stock