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Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Xia: Legends of a Drift System is a 3-5 player sandbox style competitive space adventure. Each player starts as a lowly but hopeful captain of a small starship.
BUS: Complete Edition
Prior to Essen 1999, a group of students created Splotter Spellen to sell some of their own game designs. This game is regarded as one of the highlights of that group. The object of the game is to deliver as many people to their destinations as you can. To accomplish this, players place route markers on the board to connect passengers to their destinations. However, the destination types (work, bar, home) vary from turn to turn, so you can follow certain passengers as they make their way through the daily grind.
The Underground Challenge: Paris / New York
In The Underground Challenge, you will compete against real Underground lines. The map starts with multiple lines already built, and you must try to beat the Underground\'s score.
On The Underground: Obstruction
Setup: Before setting up the game, randomly draw three destination cards and place an obstruction tile in each of the stations they show. Shuffle those cards back into the deck.
Gameplay: A player must pay 2 branch tiles to connect a line to a station with an obstruction tile. That player then scores three points and removes the obstruction tile from the game.
On The Underground: Engineering Crew
Setup: Place on engineering crew tile per player next to the board and return the extras to the box.
Gameplay: A player may spend one of their actions to take an engineering crew tile. Each player may hold at most 1 of these tiles. It may be spend to take a branch tile or place a track token. Doing so does not cost an action.
On The Underground: Street Fair
Setup: Before setting up the game, randomly draw 3 Destination cards, and place a Street Fair tile in each of the stations they show. Shuffle those cards back in the deck.
Gameplay: When placing Track tokens, a player scores 2 points whenever they connect a station with a Street Fair tile with the Passenger start station using the same line.
The Underground Challenge: London / Berlin
In The Underground Challenge, you will compete against real Underground lines. The map starts with multiple lines already built, and you must try to beat the Underground\'s score.
On the Underground: Paris / New York
In On the Underground: Paris/New York, players build the Paris Métro lines or the New York City Subway lines. Each player controls 2-4 different lines, depending on the number of players.
Clinic: Deluxe Edition And Expansions Bundle
This bundle includes the Deluxe edition of the base game plus extensions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!
Your Town Center is flourishing, but as the city grows, the need for emergency medical care grows with it.
The Smoky Valley
Welcome to Griffintown! The most dynamic industrial city in North America!
Age of Steam Deluxe: Expansion Volume I
Railway expansion continues as steam-belching iron horses roar into new territory.
This volume includes the 9 previously available expansion maps for Age of Steam Deluxe as well as a punchboard money chip chart for identifying money chip denominations.
Xia: Embers of a Forsaken Star
This is the first expansion for the game Xia: Legends of a Drift System.
Clinic: Deluxe Edition – 5th Extension
Occasionally, I’ve heard it said that some players build their clinic nearly the same way every time, and that the construction part of the game lacks variety. So, in The Extension, I added Urban Design 1.0 to require different floor plans, and Underground Utility Work to reduce the available space and to resize and reconfigure your player boards however you want.
Curious Cargo
I stumbled upon a midnight market. It wasn\'t selling flowers or farm goods. It was a more curious sort of cargo: energy capacitors, strange crystalline material, and something green and jiggly. Since then, I\'ve been dragged into it, deep into the thick of it.
Wasteland Express Delivery Service
Wasteland Express Delivery Service
Take on the role of drivers inhabiting a post-apocalyptic wasteland riddled with outrageous, unhinged and otherworldly characters set on unleashing mayhem at every turn. In order to survive in this deranged universe, drivers must deliver food water and guns between the handful of settlements pockmarked through the Wasteland.
Xia: Legends of a Drift System - Sellsword Mk II
This expansion contains the Sellsword Mk II, a new ship that can be added to the game in one of 2 ways; as a new NPC (which can be used with all other NPCs and expansions) or as a player ship. This ship is mechanically the same as the original Kickstarter exclusive Sellsword, but with a new paint job, name, and tagline.
On the Underground: London / Berlin
The London Underground is the world\'s first underground passenger railway, having opened in 1863. Its 11 lines move about 5 million passengers a day to 270 stations, along 400 km (250 mi) of track.
The massive network of London Underground stations makes up one of the most complex transportation systems in the world, and On the Underground challenges you to develop it. Build the most successful lines, connect them to landmarks, and attract passenger traffic!