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  • Maximum players: 2
  • Mechanism: Action Retrieval
  • Mechanism: Rondel
Antike Duellum
  • -25%
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Antike Duellum

£33.71 £44.95
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Antike Duellum is a 2-player version of Antike by Mac Gerdts, designer of Concordia.

Both players lead an ancient civilization. On one side, the Carthaginians play against the Romans.  On the other side, the Greeks play against the Persians. Each nation starts with three cities, which produce marble, iron, and gold. These resources are used to develop the civilizations.

Availability: In stock
AuZtralia: TaZmania
  • -15%
  • -15%

AuZtralia: TaZmania

£21.21 £24.95
Free Shipping

In AuZtralia, humanity came to build a new world after a long war against the Old Ones. They failed. The old terrors were waiting for them and pushed them back to the coast. Now their only hope lies in a nearby small island, TaZmania. Will this be the promised land?

Availability: Out of Stock