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Meadow: Adventure Book
Immerse yourself in the serene beauty of nature with Meadow: Adventure Book, an expansion for the beloved game Meadow. Embark on a journey through diverse landscapes, each illustrated with stunning watercolor art, as you hike into nature and observe its wonders. This expansion captures the relaxed, cozy, and inspiring atmosphere of the base game, offering new ways of exploring Meadow surroundings.
Terraforming Mars: Amazonis And Vastitas
A double-sided game board presenting two new maps for Terraforming Mars, each with new milestones and awards:
- Amazonis Planitia - An expanded board with 30 additional hex spaces on Mars, 2 extra ocean tiles and longer terraforming tracks to support massive 5 player games.
- Vastitas Borealis - Terraform the northern waste of Mars.
Terraforming Mars: Automa
Terraforming Mars: Automa provides a new solo experience when playing Terraforming Mars. Instead of racing against the clock, the Automa lets you compete against corporations run by algorithms and special cards, and makes it possible for you to add any expansions to create the challenge you are looking for.
Terraforming Mars: Milestones and Awards
Gives Players a chance to randomize or customize their setup of Milestones & Awards. Rules include a complete index of all Milestones & Awards and explanations.
Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2
Terraforming Mars: Prelude 2, the sixth expansion for Terraforming Mars, focuses on cross-expansion effects, prelude cards with ongoing effects and actions, and more project cards for your tableau...not to mention five new corporations.
Most of the cards are specifically connected to other expansions of Terraforming Mars (Venus, Colonies, Turmoil), but the 5 Corporations and 15 of the Prelude cards are playable without any of these other expansions.
Oceans: Legends of the Deep
Legends of the Deep brings cultural legends, high fantasy, and mythologies from around the globe into the Oceans ecosystem.
Oceans is a journey from the known world into the unknown, where you discover powerful traits that hardly seem possible in the realm of biology. With Legends of the Deep, you will discover things beyond the world of science!
Ark Nova
In Ark Nova, you will plan and design a modern, scientifically managed zoo. With the ultimate goal of owning the most successful zoological establishment, you will build enclosures, accommodate animals, and support conservation projects all over the world. Specialists and unique buildings will help you in achieving this goal.
Terraforming Mars: Colonies
Terraforming Mars: Colonies
Our world has widened before us. Corporations expand their operations to all corners of the solar system in pursuit of minerals and resources. Most places are not suited for terraforming, but building colonies may greatly improve your income and your possibilities in achieving that higher goal — the terraforming of Mars. Send your trade fleet to distant moons! Colonize the clouds of Jupiter! And let your Earth assets propel you to success!
Terraforming Mars: Prelude
As the mega corporations are getting ready to start the terraforming process, you now have the chance to make those early choices that will come to define your corporation and set the course for the future history of Mars - this is the prelude to your greatest endeavors!
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next
Terraforming Mars: Venus Next, the second expansion for the Terraforming Mars base game, has players building flying cities and making the atmosphere more hospitable on the deadly planet Venus.
Bios: Mesofauna
Bios:Mesofauna is an alternative Bios:Megafauna. That is, it starts and ends at the same time. It follows the same sort of Achterbahn environment, same climate change, same or similar creeples, same VP, same tiles, same card colors, same cratons and drift, same basic and Achterbahn games, same catastrophes, same greenhouse, cloudiness, and oxygen. Same terrestrial settings. The setting is the same, only the animals are smaller.
Grab your map and stroll through the picturesque surroundings, watching nature for inspiration and capturing breathtaking views! Players compete to achieve the goals of their expeditions, observing landscapes and species of animals and plants or collecting souvenirs from their hikes.
Terraforming Mars: Turmoil
Turmoil, the fifth expansion to Terraforming Mars, takes players back to Mars, and the struggle for control and progress of human society on a big and dangerous planet.
The expansion includes new corporations, new projects, and a new type of cards — Global Events, from dust storms to riots to rising alloy demand — that give you something to plan for 3 generations in advance.
Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium
Terraforming Mars: Hellas & Elysium, the first expansion for Terraforming Mars,