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BUS: Complete Edition
Prior to Essen 1999, a group of students created Splotter Spellen to sell some of their own game designs. This game is regarded as one of the highlights of that group. The object of the game is to deliver as many people to their destinations as you can. To accomplish this, players place route markers on the board to connect passengers to their destinations. However, the destination types (work, bar, home) vary from turn to turn, so you can follow certain passengers as they make their way through the daily grind.
Cosmic Encounter
In the depths of space, the alien races of the Cosmos vie with each other for control of the universe. Alliances form and shift from moment to moment, while cataclysmic battles send starships screaming into the warp.
Robo Rally
This classic strategy game of robot survival gets a new look, designed in partnership with its original designer, Richard Garfield, and Hasbro.
Players choose a robot and direct its moves by playing cards. Chaos ensues as all players reveal the cards they\'ve chosen. Players face obstacles like industrial lasers, gaping pits, and moving conveyor belts, but those can also be used to their advantage! Each player aims to make it to each of the checkpoints in numerical order.
Steampunk Rally Fusion
Using newly-discovered Fusion technology and time travel, the greatest minds who ever lived are coming together to compete in a race to crown an ambassador for humanity itself!
Trickerion: Legends of Illusion
Trickerion is a competitive Euro-style strategy game set in a fictional world inspired by the late 19th century urban life and culture, spiced with a pinch of supernatural.
Powerline (DE/EN/FR,NL)
You have been tasked with building an efficient power network by connecting power stations to supply cities with sustainable energy (and earn victory points). The dice will play a crucial role, since they specify the order in which you have to construct the diff erent powerlines. But which city do you want to supply first, and which power stations will be the easiest to connect?
The Underground Challenge: Paris / New York
In The Underground Challenge, you will compete against real Underground lines. The map starts with multiple lines already built, and you must try to beat the Underground\'s score.
On The Underground: Obstruction
Setup: Before setting up the game, randomly draw three destination cards and place an obstruction tile in each of the stations they show. Shuffle those cards back into the deck.
Gameplay: A player must pay 2 branch tiles to connect a line to a station with an obstruction tile. That player then scores three points and removes the obstruction tile from the game.
On The Underground: Engineering Crew
Setup: Place on engineering crew tile per player next to the board and return the extras to the box.
Gameplay: A player may spend one of their actions to take an engineering crew tile. Each player may hold at most 1 of these tiles. It may be spend to take a branch tile or place a track token. Doing so does not cost an action.
On The Underground: Street Fair
Setup: Before setting up the game, randomly draw 3 Destination cards, and place a Street Fair tile in each of the stations they show. Shuffle those cards back in the deck.
Gameplay: When placing Track tokens, a player scores 2 points whenever they connect a station with a Street Fair tile with the Passenger start station using the same line.
The Underground Challenge: London / Berlin
In The Underground Challenge, you will compete against real Underground lines. The map starts with multiple lines already built, and you must try to beat the Underground\'s score.
[DAMAGED] Root - A Game of Woodland Might & Right
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Root A Game of Woodland Might & Right
Root is a game of adventure and war in which 2 to 4 (1 to 6 with the \'Riverfolk\' expansion) players battle for control of a vast wilderness.
On the Underground: Paris / New York
In On the Underground: Paris/New York, players build the Paris Métro lines or the New York City Subway lines. Each player controls 2-4 different lines, depending on the number of players.
Gravwell: 2nd Edition
In Gravwell, players command spaceships that have been pulled through a black hole, transporting them into a different dimension. With each ship lacking fuel to get home, each player must collect basic elements from surrounding asteroids, using the gravity of the dimension and what little resources they have in order to reach the warp gate that will take them home.
Escape Plan
Escape Plan
After a successful bank heist, you and your fellow thieves are laying low and enjoying the good life. Most of the cash has been hidden away, and the rest has been invested in businesses throughout the city. Everything is going according to plan until the police get a breakthrough in their investigation. Accusations are made, fingers are pointed, and after a heated argument, you decide to go your separate ways.
City of the Great Machine
City of the Great Machine is a strategy game set in a grim universe of technocratic Victorian steampunk. The game features the conflict between the Great Machine, an artificial intelligence network, and an alliance of Heroes. The Great Machine is either controlled by a player or is automated, which completely changes the gameplay.
Act as the leader of your post apocalyptic group of survivors in a tooth-and-nail fight to protect your well springs from a vicious rival tribe. Radlands is a competitive, dueling card game about identifying fiercely powerful card synergies.
[DAMAGED] Steampunk Rally Fusion
Using newly-discovered Fusion technology and time travel, the greatest minds who ever lived are coming together to compete in a race to crown an ambassador for humanity itself!
Paris: Eiffel
The tower built by architect Gustave Eiffel rises high above Paris, announcing the inauguration of the Universal Exposition. There are those who define it as a monstrous iron cyclops and others as the first step into modern architecture. There is no doubt it will leave very few indifferent.
Glory Islands
Glory Islands is played over a series of rounds in which players simultaneously play sailing cards from their hands. The card values define the turn order, how far ships can move on the board, and where a player’s pirates may be placed on the board. Depending on where they are placed, pirates may receive glory, treasure tokens, or barrels. The cards may also provide bonus actions that players can use to gain an advantage over their opponents. When pirates occupy all of the spaces on an island, the player with the most pirates on that island will gain the most glory.
City Of The Great Machine: The Escalation
The struggle between the Resistance and the Great Machine enters a whole new level. New Heroes with unique abilities join the side of Revolution, while the Great Machine enhances its Servants with powerful implants and sends its new secretly trained Servant into the field. The governmental Surveillance Zeppelin now cruises over the City, opening up new opportunities for both sides of the conflict.
After Us
2083. Humankind died out decades ago, leaving behind mere vestiges of its time on Earth. As time went by, nature reclaimed land all over. In this resurgent world, apes have kept evolving. They\'ve been gathering in tribes, growing, mastering human items, and advancing in their quest for knowledge. As the leader of such a tribe, you need to guide it towards collective intelligence.
The Smoky Valley
Welcome to Griffintown! The most dynamic industrial city in North America!
Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF!
A Streamlined Successor to the best selling game Tiny Epic Galaxies. BLAST OFF! Will have you learning and teaching the game faster than ever! Immediately shuffle the Planet Deck, featuring 100% icon based abilities, set them in orbit and you are on your way. Turns will consist of rolling Stunning Galaxy Dice and executing simple actions that lead to epic play! Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF! features an off turn mechanic called following. This ensures you will stay engaged and allows for it to always be your turn.