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Xia: Legends of a Drift System
Xia: Legends of a Drift System is a 3-5 player sandbox style competitive space adventure. Each player starts as a lowly but hopeful captain of a small starship.
Brian Boru
Ireland is awash with would-be kings, power-hungry pretenders, and self-professed rulers. The provinces are in disarray, and the common folk are paying the price. The land needs a leader.
7 Wonders 2nd Edition: Armada
Use your fleet to advance your civilization and do battle with everyone else.
Xia: Legends of a Drift System - Sellsword Mk II
This expansion contains the Sellsword Mk II, a new ship that can be added to the game in one of 2 ways; as a new NPC (which can be used with all other NPCs and expansions) or as a player ship. This ship is mechanically the same as the original Kickstarter exclusive Sellsword, but with a new paint job, name, and tagline.