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Honey Buzz: Fall Flavors - Upgraded Player Pieces
Bring some autumn color to your Honey Buzz experience! Upgrade your copy of Honey Buzz with these fall-themed player pieces!
[DAMAGED] Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory
For more information, please read product description
The Nation is in disarray and a war is waging between the classes. The working class faces a dismantled welfare system, the capitalists are losing their hard-earned profits, the middle class is gradually fading and the state is sinking into a deep deficit. Amidst all this chaos, the only person who can provide guidance is... you. Will you take the side of the working class and fight for social reforms? Or will you stand with the corporations and the free market? Will you help the government try to keep it all together, or will you try to enforce your agenda no matter the cost to the country?
Clinic: Deluxe Edition And Expansions Bundle
This bundle includes the Deluxe edition of the base game plus extensions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5!
Your Town Center is flourishing, but as the city grows, the need for emergency medical care grows with it.
Honey Buzz
"The bees have discovered economics. The queens believe that if they sell honey to the bears, badgers, and woodland creatures, they will find peace and prosperity. "
My Island
Modeled after 2020\'s My City, My Island is a competitive legacy game in which you develop your own unique island from connected hexagons. Over 24 games, you will experience the history of your island and discover its secrets, with each of the individual games featuring new rules and game materials with which you will permanently change your island.
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory
The Nation is in disarray and a war is waging between the classes. The working class faces a dismantled welfare system, the capitalists are losing their hard-earned profits, the middle class is gradually fading and the state is sinking into a deep deficit. Amidst all this chaos, the only person who can provide guidance is... you. Will you take the side of the working class and fight for social reforms? Or will you stand with the corporations and the free market? Will you help the government try to keep it all together, or will you try to enforce your agenda no matter the cost to the country?
Clinic: Deluxe Edition – 4th Extension
This is the last extension for Clinic Deluxe Edition released for the non Essen fair in 2020.
Cleopatra and the Society of Architects - Deluxe Edition
Designed by Bruno Cathala and Ludovic Maublanc, Cleopatra and the Society of Architects is a fun and engaging family game that includes a true, three-dimensional palace that players compete to build.
Clinic: Deluxe Edition – 5th Extension
Occasionally, I’ve heard it said that some players build their clinic nearly the same way every time, and that the construction part of the game lacks variety. So, in The Extension, I added Urban Design 1.0 to require different floor plans, and Underground Utility Work to reduce the available space and to resize and reconfigure your player boards however you want.
Clinic: Deluxe Edition – 3rd Extension
Clinic: Deluxe Edition – 3rd Extension adds 12 expansions and 3 related variants to Clinic: Deluxe Edition
Clinic: Deluxe Edition – 2nd Extension
Clinic: Deluxe Edition – The Extension 2 adds 13 expansions and 1 variant to Clinic: Deluxe Edition
Planet Defenders
Planet Defenders
In the far future, humans have colonized hundreds of worlds throughout the galaxy. Robots have been in use for centuries and millions have been discarded over the years. Discarded robots litter the galaxy and have become a problem for man-kind.
Ark Nova
In Ark Nova, you will plan and design a modern, scientifically managed zoo. With the ultimate goal of owning the most successful zoological establishment, you will build enclosures, accommodate animals, and support conservation projects all over the world. Specialists and unique buildings will help you in achieving this goal.
Khôra: Rise of an Empire
In Khôra: Rise of an Empire, each player is the head of a blossoming city-state in Ancient Greece.On your turn, you must take 2 of the following 7 Actions: Philosophy, Legislation, Culture, Trade, Military, Politics, or Development. Choose Actions that align with your strategy, but which also work with your dice roll.You will need to adapt your strategy constantly and strengthen your Actions by moving your markers up on your Economy, Culture, and Military Tracks.Move up on the Taxes Track to collect highly sought-after Drachmas, the Troop Track to Explore and gather Knowledge tokens, and the Glory Track to capitalize on your Knowledge.
Unlock Achievements and, above all, make sure you have the most points at the end of the 9th Round to be crowned with the laurels of victory
Chocolate Factory
Make the best chocolate you can and sell it all to corner shops and department stores. Earn the most profit to become the champion chocolatier!
Passing Through Petra
At the intersection of the most well-traveled trade routes in the old world lies a city within rose-colored cliffs. A place where caravans miles long enter the city, through a narrow canyon called “the Siq.” Inside, traders from faraway lands find shelter and a place to trade their wares among the stunning buildings carved into towering red rocks.
From Everfrost to Bellsong, many a peaceful year have passed in Everdell — but the time has come for new territories to be settled and new cities to be established. You will be the leader of a group of critters intent on just such a task. There are buildings to construct, lively characters to meet, events to hos t— you will have a busy year ahead of you! Will the sun shine brightest on your city before the winter moon rises?
Space Explorers
The conquest of space was one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century.
In 1957, the first satellite - named Sputnik 1- was launched into orbit. Just four years later, Yuri Gagarin was the first human in space, aboard the spaceship Vostok 1.
Agricola: The 15th Anniversary Box
Celebrate the 15th anniversary of Uwe Rosenberg\'s Agricola with this special edition box, featuring the revised version of the Agricola base game, the complete Artifex and Bubulcus expansion decks, as well as a host of promo items previously thought to be long gone. All of these returning items and cards have been adapted to fit the revised edition of the game.
Honey Buzz: Fall Flavors
Sweetwater Grove is all a buzz, with honey on the lips and minds of all the woodland creatures. Thanks to the hard work of accountants like you, the Queen’s honey stand is up and running. But now fall has arrived, and winter is coming! Her Majesty has given Her workers new responsibilities: harvest and sell fruit from the fall crop, decorate the hive with colorful autumn leaves, cap and store nectar for winter, and send retiring workers to be honored at the harvest festival before the sun sets on Sweetwater Grove. So strike up the waggle dance, it’s time for business!
Help your farm to prosper in this updated, streamlined edition of the acclaimed game.
Agricola: Consul Dirigens Deck
120 new cards for Agricola. 96 cards of this set are the missing numbers from the Corbarius and Dulcinaria Deck, thus completing the available four decks (Artifex, Bubulcus, Corbarius and Dulcinaria). The remaining 24 cards form a mini expansion, called Parent Cards. This mini expansion consists of 12 Mother and 12 Father cards which grand a bonus either during the game or at game end.
Agricola: Artifex Deck
This expansion contains 120 occupation and minor improvement cards for use with the revised edition of Agricola.
My City
My City is a unique, family-oriented legacy gaming experience that is played in relatively short episodes. The game consists of 24 different episodes beginning with the development of a city in its early preindustrial stages and progressing through industrialisation.
During each game, players customise their experience by adding elements to their own boards. Players’ choices and actions made during one session of gameplay carry over into the next session, creating a personalised gaming experience. For players who do not want to experience My City as a legacy game, a double-sided game board offers an alternate setup for repeatable play.