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Cosmic Encounter
In the depths of space, the alien races of the Cosmos vie with each other for control of the universe. Alliances form and shift from moment to moment, while cataclysmic battles send starships screaming into the warp.
Robo Rally
This classic strategy game of robot survival gets a new look, designed in partnership with its original designer, Richard Garfield, and Hasbro.
Players choose a robot and direct its moves by playing cards. Chaos ensues as all players reveal the cards they\'ve chosen. Players face obstacles like industrial lasers, gaping pits, and moving conveyor belts, but those can also be used to their advantage! Each player aims to make it to each of the checkpoints in numerical order.
Steampunk Rally Fusion
Using newly-discovered Fusion technology and time travel, the greatest minds who ever lived are coming together to compete in a race to crown an ambassador for humanity itself!
You and your competitors’ transit companies have been hired by the city to build new subway lines and commercial developments to improve the city\'s bottom line.
The kingdom is reuniting, but the work of El Cascadero and his ministers has only begun. Many challenges and opportunities await the kingdom. Bandits threaten to overwhelm the towns, rivers present new modes of travel, trade continues to grow, and the borders must be defended.
The kingdom is shattered, its towns are divided, and its people are distrusting. The newly crowned ruler, El Cascadero, seeks to reunite the land, but he can’t do it alone. Thus, he appoints four ministers to visit the people and restore civil harmony. While the ministers are obligated to bring prosperity to the entire land, each of them also has one dedicated responsibility: Farming, Crafting, Mining, and Markets. El Cascadero also records in his book the successes of his ministers…
Through The Desert: Bazaar
Four modular expansions tweak the classic gameplay of Through The Desert with fun twists without diluting the elegant nature of the gameplay. Add one for a slight change, or bring out all four for experienced players looking for a challenge!
Carnegie: Departments and Donations Expansion
This expansion includes four modules
Paleo: A New Beginning
New adventures await in Paleo: A New Beginning
A year has passed since the release of Paleo, but in the world of the game several thousand years have passed. We\'ve tried to settle, but nothing is as peaceful as it might seem. New dangers and tasks await us, but with a little skill and new tools we can manage to settle down.
Escape Plan
Escape Plan
After a successful bank heist, you and your fellow thieves are laying low and enjoying the good life. Most of the cash has been hidden away, and the rest has been invested in businesses throughout the city. Everything is going according to plan until the police get a breakthrough in their investigation. Accusations are made, fingers are pointed, and after a heated argument, you decide to go your separate ways.
Halls of Hegra
From an abandoned mountain fortress you command a group of Norwegian volunteers fighting numerically superior German forces in the early days of WW2.
[DAMAGED] Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory
For more information, please read product description
The Nation is in disarray and a war is waging between the classes. The working class faces a dismantled welfare system, the capitalists are losing their hard-earned profits, the middle class is gradually fading and the state is sinking into a deep deficit. Amidst all this chaos, the only person who can provide guidance is... you. Will you take the side of the working class and fight for social reforms? Or will you stand with the corporations and the free market? Will you help the government try to keep it all together, or will you try to enforce your agenda no matter the cost to the country?
Andrew Carnegie was a major player in the United States\' steel industry. He was not just one of the richest men in the world; he was also a philanthropist and supporter of social causes. Who can become his equal?
Free Ride
Free Ride, another fine game from Friedemann Friese, designer of Power Grid and Friday, takes us to the Golden Age of Railways in Europe. Around the end of the 19th Century, a growing network of railway lines was built in Europe. This allowed people to travel to the major cities to visit beautiful structures influenced by Art Nouveau and Historicism.
[DAMAGED] Steampunk Rally Fusion
Using newly-discovered Fusion technology and time travel, the greatest minds who ever lived are coming together to compete in a race to crown an ambassador for humanity itself!
You stand at the railing point of the viewing pavilion, your gaze wandering into the distance. The soft colours around you glow in a soft light. From this beautiful location, fleets of your hot air balloons will soon dapple the sky with radiant hues. You couldn’t be prouder, but as the horizon fills with these graceful flights of fancy, it will take careful planning to make sure that your balloons attract the most attention.
Paris: Eiffel
The tower built by architect Gustave Eiffel rises high above Paris, announcing the inauguration of the Universal Exposition. There are those who define it as a monstrous iron cyclops and others as the first step into modern architecture. There is no doubt it will leave very few indifferent.
Glory Islands
Glory Islands is played over a series of rounds in which players simultaneously play sailing cards from their hands. The card values define the turn order, how far ships can move on the board, and where a player’s pirates may be placed on the board. Depending on where they are placed, pirates may receive glory, treasure tokens, or barrels. The cards may also provide bonus actions that players can use to gain an advantage over their opponents. When pirates occupy all of the spaces on an island, the player with the most pirates on that island will gain the most glory.
After Us
2083. Humankind died out decades ago, leaving behind mere vestiges of its time on Earth. As time went by, nature reclaimed land all over. In this resurgent world, apes have kept evolving. They\'ve been gathering in tribes, growing, mastering human items, and advancing in their quest for knowledge. As the leader of such a tribe, you need to guide it towards collective intelligence.
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory – Crisis & Control
You have successfully led your class to victory... but the battle of ideologies is far from over! The old world is in crisis, and the new world struggles to regain control. Now is the time to make a difference!
Hegemony: Lead Your Class to Victory
The Nation is in disarray and a war is waging between the classes. The working class faces a dismantled welfare system, the capitalists are losing their hard-earned profits, the middle class is gradually fading and the state is sinking into a deep deficit. Amidst all this chaos, the only person who can provide guidance is... you. Will you take the side of the working class and fight for social reforms? Or will you stand with the corporations and the free market? Will you help the government try to keep it all together, or will you try to enforce your agenda no matter the cost to the country?
Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF!
A Streamlined Successor to the best selling game Tiny Epic Galaxies. BLAST OFF! Will have you learning and teaching the game faster than ever! Immediately shuffle the Planet Deck, featuring 100% icon based abilities, set them in orbit and you are on your way. Turns will consist of rolling Stunning Galaxy Dice and executing simple actions that lead to epic play! Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF! features an off turn mechanic called following. This ensures you will stay engaged and allows for it to always be your turn.
Age of Steam Deluxe: Expansion Volume I
Railway expansion continues as steam-belching iron horses roar into new territory.
This volume includes the 9 previously available expansion maps for Age of Steam Deluxe as well as a punchboard money chip chart for identifying money chip denominations.
Archeos Society
Guide your team in Archeos Society as you explore legendary sites! You must decide whether to form small expeditions for quick progression, or larger expeditions that are more efficient but slower to assemble. On each of your turns, you either recruit a new explorer or launch an expedition by playing your cards using a group of matching colors or roles. Choose your expedition leader wisely as they determine which region you explore and provide a special ability for that expedition.