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Cosmic Encounter
In the depths of space, the alien races of the Cosmos vie with each other for control of the universe. Alliances form and shift from moment to moment, while cataclysmic battles send starships screaming into the warp.
Robo Rally
This classic strategy game of robot survival gets a new look, designed in partnership with its original designer, Richard Garfield, and Hasbro.
Players choose a robot and direct its moves by playing cards. Chaos ensues as all players reveal the cards they\'ve chosen. Players face obstacles like industrial lasers, gaping pits, and moving conveyor belts, but those can also be used to their advantage! Each player aims to make it to each of the checkpoints in numerical order.
Steampunk Rally Fusion
Using newly-discovered Fusion technology and time travel, the greatest minds who ever lived are coming together to compete in a race to crown an ambassador for humanity itself!
Escape Plan
Escape Plan
After a successful bank heist, you and your fellow thieves are laying low and enjoying the good life. Most of the cash has been hidden away, and the rest has been invested in businesses throughout the city. Everything is going according to plan until the police get a breakthrough in their investigation. Accusations are made, fingers are pointed, and after a heated argument, you decide to go your separate ways.
City of the Great Machine
City of the Great Machine is a strategy game set in a grim universe of technocratic Victorian steampunk. The game features the conflict between the Great Machine, an artificial intelligence network, and an alliance of Heroes. The Great Machine is either controlled by a player or is automated, which completely changes the gameplay.
[DAMAGED] Steampunk Rally Fusion
Using newly-discovered Fusion technology and time travel, the greatest minds who ever lived are coming together to compete in a race to crown an ambassador for humanity itself!
Amun-Re: 20th Anniversary Edition
Everyone knows of the pyramids on the Nile — eternal monuments of a powerful and beautiful culture that can still take our breath away. The players (leaders of a royal Egyptian family) choose their sites, build their pyramids, and thank Amun-Re and the other gods for their bounty.
Paris: Eiffel
The tower built by architect Gustave Eiffel rises high above Paris, announcing the inauguration of the Universal Exposition. There are those who define it as a monstrous iron cyclops and others as the first step into modern architecture. There is no doubt it will leave very few indifferent.
Doomtown: Welcome to Deadwood
Welcome to Deadwood is Pine Box Entertainment\'s fifth expansion for Doomtown.
Doomtown: Hell's Coming With Me
“I arrived in the town of Gomorra with a plan. I pulled the strings behind Ivor Hawley’s Fourth Ring Circus. Through Sloane, I controlled a notorious gang of outlaws. My Tumblebleeds turned Gomorra’s streets red with blood. But now the Fourth Ring has dispersed, its tents in tatters. Sloane’s leader is a madman vanished into the Great Maze. My plans for Gomorra thwarted, I turn my attention northward.
Doomtown: Too Tough To Die
Too Tough to Die is the latest expansion for Doomtown. Featuring four copies of 56 new cards, this expansion expands Doomtown to Tombstone, Arizona during legendary conflict between The Cowboys and the Earps. In Death’s domain, tensions are high and the body count is higher. Whose fight will you join in this high-stakes battle for the soul of the town that’s Too Tough to Die?
Doomtown: Out For Blood
It\'s another long, hot summer as the Doomtown saga continues in Tombstone, Arizona. Tempers boil over. Seedy glares lead to brawls. Fistfights lead to gunfights between the Outlaws and Law Dogs. And both sides are out for blood.
Glory Islands
Glory Islands is played over a series of rounds in which players simultaneously play sailing cards from their hands. The card values define the turn order, how far ships can move on the board, and where a player’s pirates may be placed on the board. Depending on where they are placed, pirates may receive glory, treasure tokens, or barrels. The cards may also provide bonus actions that players can use to gain an advantage over their opponents. When pirates occupy all of the spaces on an island, the player with the most pirates on that island will gain the most glory.
City Of The Great Machine: The Escalation
The struggle between the Resistance and the Great Machine enters a whole new level. New Heroes with unique abilities join the side of Revolution, while the Great Machine enhances its Servants with powerful implants and sends its new secretly trained Servant into the field. The governmental Surveillance Zeppelin now cruises over the City, opening up new opportunities for both sides of the conflict.
After Us
2083. Humankind died out decades ago, leaving behind mere vestiges of its time on Earth. As time went by, nature reclaimed land all over. In this resurgent world, apes have kept evolving. They\'ve been gathering in tribes, growing, mastering human items, and advancing in their quest for knowledge. As the leader of such a tribe, you need to guide it towards collective intelligence.
Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF!
A Streamlined Successor to the best selling game Tiny Epic Galaxies. BLAST OFF! Will have you learning and teaching the game faster than ever! Immediately shuffle the Planet Deck, featuring 100% icon based abilities, set them in orbit and you are on your way. Turns will consist of rolling Stunning Galaxy Dice and executing simple actions that lead to epic play! Tiny Epic Galaxies BLAST OFF! features an off turn mechanic called following. This ensures you will stay engaged and allows for it to always be your turn.
Archeos Society
Guide your team in Archeos Society as you explore legendary sites! You must decide whether to form small expeditions for quick progression, or larger expeditions that are more efficient but slower to assemble. On each of your turns, you either recruit a new explorer or launch an expedition by playing your cards using a group of matching colors or roles. Choose your expedition leader wisely as they determine which region you explore and provide a special ability for that expedition.
Furnace: Interbellum
Furnace expands into the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century — the interwar period known as the interbellum. In this expansion, you will find new Company cards and Capitalists, new abilities, Manager tokens, variable Capital discs, a set of components for a fifth player, and new Agents for two-player and single-player games. All of this exists within beautiful industrial buildings and structures from the epoch of Art Deco, Constructivism, and Bauhaus.
Tribes of The Wind
In a post-apocalyptic world, the tribes of the wind are going to rebuild the world on the polluted ruins from the past.
Players will have to plant forests, build new villages and temples, and decontaminate surrounding areas.
Star Wars: The Deckbuilding Game
The Rebel Alliance fights valiantly against the tyranny of the Galactic Empire. Each new victory brings the Rebels hope, and each heroic sacrifice strengthens their resolve. Still, the Empire\'s resources are vast, and the firepower of its Empire Navy is unmatched. With neither side willing to accept defeat, their war rages across the galaxy...
Dune: Imperium - Immortality
The Bene Tleilax advance their own agenda by trading in genetic innovations. Will you hire Face Dancer spies of unmatched skill? Regrow damaged tissue and organs? Or dare to employ people restored to life as gholas?
Tiny Epic Dungeons: Extra Dice Set
12 Additional Dungeons Dice to support all player counts and do not have to pass the dice.
A deck-building game with an innovative twist of preparing your missions on the Launch Pad, temporarily removing part of your assets from the deck you play. To win, you must find a balance between the „mission” and „money” parts of your deck and use them efficiently, as the victory conditions reward those who are the fastest.
Cryptid: Urban Legends
There\'s something hiding among us: an elusive cryptid is prowling our city streets. The evidence is clear but, without definitive proof, the scientific community will never believe you. There\'s nothing else to be done - you must track down this cryptid yourself!