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  • Maximum players: 6
  • Mechanism: Cooperative Game
  • Mechanism: Map Deformation
  • Mechanism: Push Your Luck
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£75.96 £94.95
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Aboard the Starship Exodus, players control seven spacefaring human-machine hybrids embarking on an epic pilgrimage to the stars. The journey will last many decades as you perform actions and place workers to develop technology for survival, terraforming, and colonization along the way. You must also battle many hardships like cancer, stress, or combat against gray goo, and mutineers in a delicate balancing act of tableaux management, decision making, and risky dice rolling. Entire sections of the ship are lost to erosion, lightning, desperation “fryby” star-diving, and foolhardy experiments. Players must negotiate risks and challenges together in a cooperative sense and survive the journey, but competitively, must have the most victory points to win.

Availability: In stock

Maximum Apocalypse: Jurassic Perils

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The Scientific community made a huge mistake. We were arrogant to think that we could play god and contain mother nature. We didn\'t just bring back the dinosaurs, we also brought back Jurassic viruses and diseases that decimated our population. 

Availability: Last items in stock
John Company: Second Edition
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John Company: Second Edition

£93.46 £109.95
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In John Company, players assume the roles of ambitious families attempting to use the British East India Company for personal gain. The game begins in the early eighteenth-century, when the Company has a weak foothold on the subcontinent. Over the course of the game, the Company might grow into the most powerful and insidious corporation in the world or collapse under the weight of its own ambition.

Availability: In stock
Archeos Society
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Archeos Society

£38.36 £47.95
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Guide your team in Archeos Society as you explore legendary sites! You must decide whether to form small expeditions for quick progression, or larger expeditions that are more efficient but slower to assemble. On each of your turns, you either recruit a new explorer or launch an expedition by playing your cards using a group of matching colors or roles. Choose your expedition leader wisely as they determine which region you explore and provide a special ability for that expedition.

Availability: In stock
Terraforming Mars: Ares...
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Terraforming Mars: Ares Expedition - Foundations

£21.56 £26.95
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Ares Expedition: Foundations contains additional player boards, cubes, and phase cards so that Ares Expedition can be played with up to six players. This expansion also includes two additional game boards. One is a larger score track. The other adds a fourth terraforming metric: infrastructure.

Additionally, there are new project cards that involve the new terraforming metric and a new phase card.

Availability: In stock
The Dwarves Big Box
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The Dwarves Big Box

£42.46 £49.95
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The Dwarves face the dark threat of Orcs, Trolls and Älfar. To defeat evil they have to join forces and coordinate their actions. Based on the series of novels by Markus Heitz, the cooperative game for 2 to 6 players aged 10 and up throws players into various scenarios

Availability: In stock
Dune Game Mat
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Dune Game Mat

£25.46 £29.95
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Conquer Arrakis with this deluxe collector\'s game mat (36\' x 24\') for Dune, A Game of Conquest, Diplomacy & Betrayal. Scaled up 135% for maximum visibility, the Dune Game Mat is accompanied by Sandworm, Storm and Family Atomics special edition miniatures.

Availability: Last items in stock
Power Rangers: Heroes of...
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Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Zeo Rangers Pack

£29.96 £39.95
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The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords!  

The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords and powerful Zeo Megazord to Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. The five core members of the Zeo Rangers: Tommy Oliver, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Kat Hillard leap into battle using new and unique Zeo Ranger abilities. 

Availability: In stock
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£31.96 £39.95
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Rurbling rivers, rustling forests, wheat fields swaying in the wind, and here and there a cute little village – that is Dorfromantik! The gaming community has been swooning with delight over the video game by small indie studio Toukana Interactive since its Early Access in March 2021. It has even won several well-known video game awards. Now Michael Palm and Lukas Zach have transformed the popular landscape-building puzzle game into a family board game for all ages with Dorfromantik – The Board Game.

Availability: Out of Stock
Evolution: Climate Evolution: Climate
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Evolution: Climate

£51.80 £71.95
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A stand-alone game where players adapt their species in an ecosystem where the climate can swing between scorching hot and icy cold. Heavy Fur and Migratory can protect your species from the cold while being Nocturnal or Burrowing will provide protection from the cruel desert sun.

Availability: Out of Stock

Dune: Board Game

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Imagine you can control the forces of a noble family, guild, or religious order on a barren planet which is the only source for the most valuable substance in the known universe.

Availability: Out of Stock