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  • Mechanism: Dice Rolling
  • Category: Aviation / Flight
  • Category: Mature / Adult
  • Category: Maze
  • Category: Movies / TV / Radio theme
Weirdwood Manor
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Weirdwood Manor

£63.16 £78.95
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Weirdwood Manor is a cooperative board game that marries great adventure gameplay with some euro-inspired underpinnings, as you and your group of valiant companions battle to protect Weirdwood Manor and its enigmatic ruler, Lady Weirdwood, from an invading Fae Monster and his Clockwork Scarab minions.

Availability: In stock
Tainted Grail: Mounted Heroes
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Tainted Grail: Mounted Heroes

£56.52 £86.95
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This Add-on includes 13 mounted heroes’ collectors models. All mounted models are in same scale as Core Box heroes.

This addon is purely cosmetic and does not include any additional gameplay elements but will make a great addition to your collection ;)

Availability: In stock
Tainted Grail: King Arthur
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Tainted Grail: King Arthur

£23.37 £38.95
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This is a special edition resin collectors model from Tainted Grail boardgame featuring diorama of King Artur on the battlefield.

It was created for miniature painters and hobbyist that are looking for the highest quality models.

Each models is cast by hand in highest quality resin by our own professional crew.

Availability: In stock
Power Rangers: Heroes of...
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Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Zeo Rangers Pack

£29.96 £39.95
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The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers discover the Zeo Crystal and gain access to brand new powers and zords!  

The Zeo Ranger Pack adds 5 new playable heroes, along with their unique Zords and powerful Zeo Megazord to Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid. The five core members of the Zeo Rangers: Tommy Oliver, Adam Park, Rocky DeSantos, Tanya Sloan, and Kat Hillard leap into battle using new and unique Zeo Ranger abilities. 

Availability: In stock
Power Rangers: Heroes of...
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Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Villain Pack 2: Machine Empire

£29.96 £39.95
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The Royal House of Gadgetry has arrived to conquer Earth! The Power Rangers will test their mettle against King Mondo, Louie Kaboom, General Venjix, Prince Gasket, and Princess Archerina. With new rules for paired monsters, Gasket and Archerina can be deployed together as a deadly double-act!

This is an expansion! Requires Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid to play

Availability: In stock
Power Rangers: Heroes of...
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Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Ranger Allies Pack 1

£29.96 £39.95
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In the quest to defeat the evil that threatens our world, sometimes the Power Rangers need a little help! That’s where Ranger Allies come in! 

Enhance your game with five legendary heroes from across time and space who have each helped the Rangers in their fight against evil. This expansion includes various allies including Ninjor, Phantom Ranger, Shadow Ranger, Magna Defender, and Zeo Gold Ranger!

Availability: In stock
Power Rangers: Heroes of...
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Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid

£67.46 £89.95
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Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid is a co-operative board game for 2-5 players that challenges your team to save Angel Grove from Rita Repulsa’s evil army of monsters. Work together to fight off the incoming horde while building up your strength to protect the city from the most dangerous monsters in the universe! Prepare for your destiny. It’s Morphin Time! 

Availability: In stock
Dune: War for Arrakis
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Dune: War for Arrakis

£107.76 £139.95
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Arrakis is a desert world seemingly dead and barren, yet here lies the most important resource in the galaxy: Spice. Without Spice, space travel is impossible, and humans become little clusters on isolated planets. The noble House that controls Arrakis and the production of Spice wields great power. The Emperor gave Arrakis to House Atreides, but then he conspired to replace them with their old rivals, House Harkonnen. Baron Harkonnen crushed the Atreides in a treasonous attack, and now rules the planet with an iron fist. 

Availability: Out of Stock
Dune: War for Arrakis - The...
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Dune: War for Arrakis - The Spacing Guild

£38.46 £49.95
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The Spacing Guild expansion introduces a Space Board where Guild Heighliners will race through space to bring reinforcements to Arrakis, as well as one Heighliner Board for each faction, where players will stow the reinforcements they’re able to get from the Imperium forces and send hurtling across space to deploy at Arrakis.

Availability: Out of Stock
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£19.21 £24.95
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"Charged with building a new fleet of airships to traverse the Oniverse, you must draft the best blueprints, acquire materials, and recruit a crew to build the most wondrous fleet ever seen."

Availability: Out of Stock
Power Rangers: Heroes of...
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Power Rangers: Heroes of the Grid – Rise of the Psycho Rangers

£44.96 £59.95
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The Psycho Rangers have risen! This team of evil was created from the power of Dark Specter. In one-on-one combat, the Psycho Rangers are almost unbeatable by their Space Ranger counterparts, thanks to their special fighting styles.

With the Astro Megaship as their new command center and a whole new set of Zords they can summon, will veterans Andros, Carlos, T.J., Ashley, and Cassie band together to overcome the assault of the terrifying Psycho Rangers?

Availability: Out of Stock