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Explorers of Navoria: Forgotten Lands
New paths lead to forgotten lands, and with that comes a host of exciting possibilities!
Explorers or Navoria: Forgotten Lands brings a huge range of new content that changes how the game plays. Players will now have asymmetrical powers, and new starting equipment. There is also a new worker location and a brand new deck of cards.
Nucleum: Patrons Set
This mini expansion brings Patron Cards into the game
Minos: Dawn of the Bronze Age
In the ancient realm of Crete, amidst the sun-drenched shores and labyrinthine corridors of Knossos, the fate of the Minoan civilization is yet to be determined. As a member of one of the four illustrious Minoan clans, your destiny beckons you to vie for the prestigious title of Minos, the ultimate leader of your people.
But keep in mind - unlike the tumultuous conquests of other civilizations, the Minoans are renowned for their pursuit of peace and prosperity. In this captivating journey, the essence of your quest lies not in the clash of swords, but in the art of governance and the cultivation of your clan’s unique identity.
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Chosen Grove Faction Deck
Surrender to the cyclical ways of Nature with the Chosen Grove! A summoning stone has gifted sentience to the most legendary tree in Itharia. Now, the inscrutable Eldiri Nimid bestows the powers of the natural world upon its adherents. Master the ebb and flow of magical energy, letting your warriors embrace the true potential of symbiosis!
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): The Filth Faction Deck
Abandon your soul to the lies of demons! The Demagogue has thrust his band of infernal worshipers into the Summoner Wars.
When using The Filth Faction Deck, you can warp their flesh and snap their bones, then shape them into just the right monster for the task at hand. When one is willing to sink to any depth, there is no limit to the power that can be achieved
Gaia Project: The Lost Fleet Expansion
There will be four new factions: Darkanians, Mowyed, Space Giants, Tinkeroids, corresponding to 2 new planet types: proto planets and asteroids
The new layout of the map will feature holes where the ships of the lost fleet and some new planet types will be placed
There will be new smaller sector tiles (edge sectors)
Ships of the lost fleet allow access to new action spaces and technolgies to be found on the new board, aswell as special federation tokens and artifacts, no standard Q.I.C. actions anymore, Q.I.C. actions only available on ships
In Evacuation, life on our planet is being burned away thanks to increasingly intense sunlight, so everyone is trying to move all the people and factories in their territories from the "old" planet to a new one — and they have only four rounds in which to do so.
Aboard the Starship Exodus, players control seven spacefaring human-machine hybrids embarking on an epic pilgrimage to the stars. The journey will last many decades as you perform actions and place workers to develop technology for survival, terraforming, and colonization along the way. You must also battle many hardships like cancer, stress, or combat against gray goo, and mutineers in a delicate balancing act of tableaux management, decision making, and risky dice rolling. Entire sections of the ship are lost to erosion, lightning, desperation “fryby” star-diving, and foolhardy experiments. Players must negotiate risks and challenges together in a cooperative sense and survive the journey, but competitively, must have the most victory points to win.
Honey Buzz: Fall Flavors - Upgraded Player Pieces
Bring some autumn color to your Honey Buzz experience! Upgrade your copy of Honey Buzz with these fall-themed player pieces!
You and your competitors’ transit companies have been hired by the city to build new subway lines and commercial developments to improve the city\'s bottom line.
Carnegie: Departments and Donations Expansion
This expansion includes four modules
Age of Rome: Deluxe Edition
Become the new emperor of Rome in this strategic worker placement game set in 44 BC, Rome. Each turn, you will build structures in different provinces assigned to you through a rotating board. Balance war, politics, trade, and religion while scheming against your rival players.
In Age of Rome, each player is assigned a hero with their respective player board, then are given secret quests and starting resources of Denarii, Followers, Scheme tokens, Legions, and Votes. Then they spend nine rounds competing on a rotating board to earn Glory points.
Wishland is a worker placement eurogame based on the management of a theme park. Through a series of rounds players will purchase different cards from the board to create their own and unique theme park.
Nucleum: Australia
Saxony\'s energy revolution was so impactful that everyone wanted to start using Nucleums in their regions. Australia\'s huge deposits of uranium were ripe for the taking, leading to visionaries — lured by the vast number of possibilities — visiting the continent and changing it into a new global power. Here, these entrepreneurs have to face new challenges presented by the sheer size of the continent. Fortunately, the clever use of shipping lanes will help them transport resources more efficiently than by rail and even gain access to the nearby island of Tasmania, where a mad scientist conducting his own experiments managed to replicate Elsa\'s invention, which is now proudly presented as an experimental power plant in the island\'s capital of Hobart.
When Elsa von Frühlingfeld presented her invention to King Frederik Augustus II of Saxony, people thought it was trickery. She used the recently isolated element Uranium to heat up a jar of water and used the resulting steam to power an engine that kept the Uranium active via a process she called “atomization.” Her device, the Nucleum, ushered in a new era of energy and prosperity over the next decades.
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Deepwood Groaks Faction Deck
From the waterlogged forests comes the witch-frog, Hekateia and her Deepwood Groaks. Brew your foul potions and toss them to your warriors as needed, so that they might cheat your foes of any advantage. Enhance your maneuverability and strength, or poison the enemy and watch them wither before your amphibian superiority!
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Crimson Order Faction Deck
Embrace entropy with the ever-hungry Crimson Order. Baron Daemar and his children know that death and decay will lay claim to aught. They feast upon those who oppose them, then grant unlife with their vampiric blood. Frustrate your foe with an enemy that grinds their forces down, all while healing their own!
Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Mountain Vargath Faction Deck
Bring the uncaring harshness of the mountain to the battlefield! General Sunderved and his army of goat-folk apply brute force to every problem, smashing, ramming, and shoving any who get in their way. Reshape the battlefield as you see fit, then dominate it with the Mountain Vargath!
In Habitats, each player builds a big wildlife park without cages or fences. The animals in your park need their natural habitats: grassland, bush, rocks or lakes. The zebra needs a big area of grass and some water adjacent, for example, while a bat needs rocks and bush and water, a hart needs bush and grass, and a crocodile needs mainly water. There is a snake, baboon, bee, elephant, otter, lizard, turtle, eagle, meerkat, scorpio, hog, catfish, rhino, etc., each with its own landscape requirements — 68 different animals in total.
Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising - Gnomish Gnonsense
A Gnome Wizard, boom-bunnies, and a lumbering ragdoll of doom! What\'s not to love as you encounter four new scenarios of magic and trickery leading to the imposing colossal lizard boss Xyzzy!
Inside the expansion, you’ll find the new Hero Razz & Rags alongside the massive 80mm tall new Boss Xyzzy!
Across four scenarios you’ll encounter new mechanics including Gnome Trickster Tower Mods, new Miniboss the Gnoll Warleaders, and the gigantic hammers of Xyzzy!
Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising - Dark Elf Slayer Expansion
Seek vengeance with new hero Reg’son as he hunts fearful boss Baj’nimen the Hateful in four new scenarios!
Inside the expansion, you’ll find the new Hero Reg’son, new Boss Baj’nimen the Hateful, both with gorgeous plastic miniatures. Baj’nimen stands at a whopping 80mm tall as he rides his giant centipede!
Across four scenarios you’ll encounter new mechanics including dragon Tower Mods, a new Miniboss the Twilight Brute, and Baj’nimen’s dreadful Rain of Dark Magic!
Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising
Kingdom Rush: Elemental Uprising is a fully co-operative standalone board game for 1 to 4 players that offers the ultimate tower-defense experience for the tabletop.
Earth, the soil that supports and sustains our beautiful planet, Earth. Over thousands of years of evolution and adaptation the flora and fauna of this unique planet have grown and developed into amazing life forms, creating symbiotic ecosystems and habitats.
Escape Plan
Escape Plan
After a successful bank heist, you and your fellow thieves are laying low and enjoying the good life. Most of the cash has been hidden away, and the rest has been invested in businesses throughout the city. Everything is going according to plan until the police get a breakthrough in their investigation. Accusations are made, fingers are pointed, and after a heated argument, you decide to go your separate ways.