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  • Mechanism: Enclosure
  • Mechanism: Melding and Splaying
  • Mechanism: Programmed Movement
  • Mechanism: Set Collection
  • Mechanism: Set Collection
  • Mechanism: Set Collection
  • Mechanism: Set Collection
  • Mechanism: Set Collection
  • Mechanism: Set Collection
  • Mechanism: Set Collection
  • Mechanism: Stat Check Resolution
Between Two Castles...
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Between Two Castles Essential Edition

£35.96 £44.95
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Between Two Castles Essential Edition is a competitive drafting, tile-placement game for 1-8 players designed by Ben Rosset and Matthew O’Malley. It plays in about 45-60 minutes.

The Essential Edition combines the original game and the Secrets & Soirees expansion into one box.

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Unconscious Mind
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Unconscious Mind

£57.37 £67.49
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In the early 1900s, the Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud established a revolutionary theory called psychoanalysis, related to the study of the unconscious mind. As his work took hold, supporters met at Freud\'s apartment every Wednesday to discuss psychology and dream symbolism. This group—the Wednesday Psychological Society—marked the beginning of the worldwide psychoanalytic movement. As a member of this society, you aim to formulate new therapeutic techniques, establish a practice, grow your clientele, and become Freud’s most distinguished contemporary. To best accomplish this, you’ll need to share insights, discuss ideas with peers, and publish theories. And to stay invigorated, you’ll likely need some coffee—lots of coffee.

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Video Game Champion
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Video Game Champion

£51.00 £57.95
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90s ; Explosion of 16 bits Video Games era in the world.

Time when the greatest dream of childhood was to be The Video Game Champion!

In Video Game Champion, players are transported to the nostalgic setting of the early 1990s, where they step into the shoes of children balancing multiple activities such as earning pocket money, studying, and immersing themselves in the captivating world of 16-BIT gaming. From flipping through video game magazines to renting games, asking your parents for gifts and spending hours pushing buttons, the game captures the essence of that era.

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Black Forest
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Black Forest

£55.21 £64.95
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In Black Forest, you start out with a small domain in need of new buildings and livestock. You’ll travel from village to village, to enlist the aid of the best specialists. Exploiting the abilities of these specialists lets you collect resources, lay out new landscape tiles (e.g. ponds and fields), and build a variety of buildings, which come in four types. Choose the right buildings, place landscapes, fire up your glass production, and expand your domain.

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Summoner Wars (Second...
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Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Chosen Grove Faction Deck

£11.51 £14.95
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Surrender to the cyclical ways of Nature with the Chosen Grove! A summoning stone has gifted sentience to the most legendary tree in Itharia. Now, the inscrutable Eldiri Nimid bestows the powers of the natural world upon its adherents. Master the ebb and flow of magical energy, letting your warriors embrace the true potential of symbiosis!

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Summoner Wars (Second...
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Summoner Wars (Second Edition): The Filth Faction Deck

£11.51 £14.95
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Abandon your soul to the lies of demons! The Demagogue has thrust his band of infernal worshipers into the Summoner Wars.

When using The Filth Faction Deck, you can warp their flesh and snap their bones, then shape them into just the right monster for the task at hand. When one is willing to sink to any depth, there is no limit to the power that can be achieved

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Robo Rally
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Robo Rally

£43.96 £54.95
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This classic strategy game of robot survival gets a new look, designed in partnership with its original designer, Richard Garfield, and Hasbro.

Players choose a robot and direct its moves by playing cards. Chaos ensues as all players reveal the cards they\'ve chosen. Players face obstacles like industrial lasers, gaping pits, and moving conveyor belts, but those can also be used to their advantage! Each player aims to make it to each of the checkpoints in numerical order.

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£75.96 £94.95
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Aboard the Starship Exodus, players control seven spacefaring human-machine hybrids embarking on an epic pilgrimage to the stars. The journey will last many decades as you perform actions and place workers to develop technology for survival, terraforming, and colonization along the way. You must also battle many hardships like cancer, stress, or combat against gray goo, and mutineers in a delicate balancing act of tableaux management, decision making, and risky dice rolling. Entire sections of the ship are lost to erosion, lightning, desperation “fryby” star-diving, and foolhardy experiments. Players must negotiate risks and challenges together in a cooperative sense and survive the journey, but competitively, must have the most victory points to win.

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Godtear: Jaak, the Dubious...
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Godtear: Jaak, the Dubious Alchemist

£23.07 £32.95
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Trouble is brewing with Jaak, the Dubious Alchemist. 

Strange Jaak’s potioncraft is famous throughout the land. He wanders from town to town, bringing unusual brews with legendary healing powers. Wherever Jaak goes, his Cauldron Cronies are there to keep his knapsack stocked with weird and wonderful ingredients.

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Through The Desert: Bazaar
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Through The Desert: Bazaar

£16.16 £17.95
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Four modular expansions tweak the classic gameplay of Through The Desert with fun twists without diluting the elegant nature of the gameplay. Add one for a slight change, or bring out all four for experienced players looking for a challenge!

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Summoner Wars (Second...
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Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Deepwood Groaks Faction Deck

£12.28 £15.95
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From the waterlogged forests comes the witch-frog, Hekateia and her Deepwood Groaks. Brew your foul potions and toss them to your warriors as needed, so that they might cheat your foes of any advantage. Enhance your maneuverability and strength, or poison the enemy and watch them wither before your amphibian superiority!

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Summoner Wars (Second...
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Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Crimson Order Faction Deck

£12.28 £15.95
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Embrace entropy with the ever-hungry Crimson Order. Baron Daemar and his children know that death and decay will lay claim to aught. They feast upon those who oppose them, then grant unlife with their vampiric blood. Frustrate your foe with an enemy that grinds their forces down, all while healing their own!

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My Island
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My Island

£27.96 £34.95
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Modeled after 2020\'s My City, My Island is a competitive legacy game in which you develop your own unique island from connected hexagons. Over 24 games, you will experience the history of your island and discover its secrets, with each of the individual games featuring new rules and game materials with which you will permanently change your island.

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£62.36 £79.95
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The sequel to Scythe sends players on a new adventure into Siberia, where a massive meteorite crashed near the Tunguska River, awakening ancient corruption. An expedition led by Dr. Tarkovsky ventures into the taiga to learn about the meteorite and its impact on the land. Itching for adventure, heroes from the war privately fund their own expeditions to Siberia, hoping to find artifacts, overcome challenges, and ultimately achieve glory.

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Summoner Wars (Second...
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Summoner Wars (Second Edition): Obsidian Dwarves Faction Deck

£13.56 £16.95
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The Obsidian Dwarves are a mighty faction of warriors led by the explosively erratic Balzar. Balzar will become enraged through combat, scaling up and down in power throughout the fight. Watch him charge up and exhaust his boost meter to fuel the strongest abilities this faction has to offer. Equip your warriors with fiery weapons forged in hell and let the heat of battle determine their fate!

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Café New Edition
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Café New Edition

£20.85 £21.95
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In 1713, King D. João V ordered Sergeant Melo de Palheta to travel to French Guiana in order to secretly obtain coffee seeds to plant in Brazil. In 1800, Brazil was already one of the largest coffee producers in the world. Drinking coffee became popular in Portuguese culture, and coffee beans from Brazil, Sao Tome and Principe, Angola, and Timor were among the most prized at the turn of the 20th century. In this game, players run companies that produce, process, and sell coffee to the most exclusive coffee shops of the Portuguese Bélle Époque.

This new edition includes the Café: EXPRESSO expansion.

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Marvel United: Guardians of...
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Marvel United: Guardians of the Galaxy Remix

£23.96 £29.95
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The Guardians of the Galaxy Remix expansion for Marvel United offers some rather unique new content players can add to their games. First, there’s the unlikely heroes of Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, and Groot. Each comes with their own unique sculpt and superhero deck. Then, there’s Ronin and his own Masterplan deck. Players can also travel to new and exotic, interstellar Locations. Finally, there’s the Plan B Mission cards. Players can substitute them out for the regular Missions in their games. They’re harder to complete, but finishing all 3 will result in instant victory.

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Eternal Palace
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Eternal Palace

£34.61 £44.95
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In Eternal Palace, you are a noble family who has pledged to help the Emperor rebuild his palace left derelict for centuries so that you may gain his favour. You must send your team to collect resources and rebuild monuments. You will also honour the Emperor by painting a beautiful picture of his beloved gardens and palace — but others are trying to impress him, too, and only one will have the honour of being chosen as the Emperor\'s favourite.

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Guatemala Café
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Guatemala Café

£29.97 £49.95
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The players take on the roles of coffee plantation owners. They try to grow different kinds of coffee and to reap the benefits as often as possible. If they manage to ship the coffee from the harbor, they can even multiply their well-earned profits.

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