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Wishland is a worker placement eurogame based on the management of a theme park. Through a series of rounds players will purchase different cards from the board to create their own and unique theme park.
Dom Pierre
The game is played in rounds, each round consisting of one action turn for each player starting with the first player and continuing clockwise.
Lorenzo il Magnifico: Big Box
Lorenzo il Magnifico - Big Box is the all-in-one package for Lorenzo il Magnifico, including the base game as well as 5 expansions.
Expansions Included:
Lorenzo il Magnifico: New Leaders
Lorenzo il Magnifico: Houses of Renaissance
Lorenzo il Magnifico: New Leaders #2
Lorenzo il Magnifico: The Pazzi Conspiracy
Lorenzo Il Magnifico: Promo Visconti/Della Scala
Clinic: Deluxe Edition – CoVid_19 variant
A cooperative mode of Clinic Deluxe Edition has been specially designed.
Old Masters (Colors of Paris)
(aka Colors of Paris)
In the authors debut of Nicolas de Oliveira, ‘Old Masters’, you are a talented painter. The grand Parisian painters’ studio, “le Bateau-Lavoir” in Montmartre, has declared a friendly competition to determine who will be the top painter, whose name could become as renowned as those of your illustrious predecessors: Monet, Renoir, van Gogh…
Rajas of the Ganges
In 16th century India, the powerful empire of the Great Moguls rises between the Indus and the Ganges rivers. Taking on the role of rajas and ranis - the country´s influential nobles - players race against each other in support of the empire by developing their estates into wealthy and magnificent provinces.
Rajas of the Ganges: Goodie-Box 2
In THE GREAT MOGUL\'S COFFERS, you will find diverse mini-expansions that you can use to enrich the basic RAJAS OF THE GANGES game – among them, BLESSINGS OF KEDARNATH (previously published as a Bretterwisser postcard), the CATTLE expansion, ROADS OF THE MOGUL EMPIRE, the GANGA module 3 with new tiles and new rules for the river, plus further modules than can be used to vary the basic game.